Chapter 2

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"Move aside people! FBI!", i said as i approached the place where the event took place.

There was chaos and people standing in a circle around a body lying on the ground! It was a body of a young woman. She was shot in the head. But the weird thing was that no blood was coming out of her. I was accompanied by my partners Peter and Lincoln. Peter bent down on his knees and started examining the body. I saw a peculiar expression on Lincoln's face. "How can this be possible? I mean the bullet was shot in her head but not a single drop of blood can be seen."

"This gives me the creeps aswell" i said as i started to examine the wound.

But a very strange thing happened as soon as i touched the woman's body something started to happen with me as if i had touched a circuit with wet hands. The shock was so great that it bounced me back and i fell on a stone and passed out.

When i opened my eyes again i saw that i was in the hospital bed with a bandage around my head. On one side Lincoln was standing with his brownish blonde hair and green eyes. And on the other side was peter.

"How long have i been passed out?", i asked. "Two days!", said Lincoln,"What happened to you?"

"I dont know! It was as if the body gave me an electric shock."

"But when Peter and I touched the body nothing happened", said Lincoln with a worried expression on his face.

"Sir!"said Lincoln as i saw Colonel Broyels come into the room.

"How are you feeling Agent Dunham?"asked Broyels.

"Better."i said.

"Well i have some news to tell you guys,"It seems that the young woman Mrs. John who seemed to be dead that day is not!"

"What?"said Lincoln and I as we were becoming curious.

"Yes, thats true" said Colonel Broyels "Today the street cameras caught her coming out of a building. Which i assume is the place she lives?"

"Well then what are we waiting for lets go and solve the mystery." I said as i sat up straight.

"No Liv, you are not coming with us. Its to dangerous and plus you are not well. You need to rest."said Lincoln as he was concerned about me.

"I'll stay here with Olivia incase she needs some help."said Peter.

"Ok" said Lincoln and both Lincoln and Broyels left the room leaving peter and me alone.

"Peter i have to tell you something."

As i said this Peter took a chair and sat beside me. "What is it?", he said.

"Well when i touched the body that day something else happened to me aswell. It was as if our world had stopped for a moment and i had come in another world just like ours. But the most wierd thing was that Lincoln, Broyels and i were there but you weren't. And after just a split second our world began to come in movement and i got the shock."i said as tears came out of my eyes.

"Nurse!", Peter shouted as he saw that my heart beat was increasing.

The doctor and nurse came running in and they put the oxygen mask on me and gave me an injection. After a few moments my heart beat became normal.

"Olivia i think you need to rest i will be outside if you need me.", said Peter as he kissed me on my forehead and left the room.

The next morning i woke up and saw Lincoln greet me with a smile,"Good morning sleepy head. Come on lets go!"

"Go where?"i said.

"For breakfast. The doctor said that you are fine now and that you can go home",said Lincoln in a cheerful manner.

I saw that the nurse was taking of the bandage from my forehead and all that remained was a small scar.

I got dressed quickly in my khaki trousers and a small black jacket. Then i wore my belt in which i kept my gun and badge. Lincoln kept his gun wrapped around his leg with his khaki trousers, black jacket and black shirt. I kept my blonde hair open with my fringe coming in the front.


"How are you feeling now?", asked Lincoln as we were in the cafe having breakfast.

"Much better. Wheres Peter?"

"Peter is with his dad Charlie in the lab trying to solve the problem that why the people were being reborn again and. Why you got the shock?"

"Hmmmm so any luck yesterday?"i said as i ate my omelette.

"Well yesterday we went to that building and found some pictures of that woman which meant that she lived their. But we found a very strange thing in her apartment. There was a box with some weird thing that didn't even exist in this world."

"What was it?"i asked.

"I don't know", said Lincoln,"We have sent that object to Charlie and Peter. I hope they are able to find out what it is."


When i reached my apartment i saw a bald man standing opposite my building staring at me.

"Olivia",i said as i received a call from lincoln.

"What is it?"he asked,"You look kind of distracted."

"Nothing. I thought i saw someone weird starring at me."

"Okay Olivia i am activating the security of your apartment."said Lincoln,"I'll be there in an hour."

But in that hour something happened which changed everything.

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