Chapter 8

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"I do love him, more than anything!"i said to Lincoln while my cheeks went red.
"Well then hope you guys are happy. I just wanted to make sure that you are happy."said Lincoln as he got up.
"Hey dont worry i am alright, the thing is Lincoln...."
"Aunt Liv! We are going!"said Ella as she burst open the door.
"Oh so soon"i said as Lincoln and i walked out of the room and saw Sophie about to leave.
"Bye Sophie. I'll meet you tomorrow."
I said as i hugged her once again.
"Good bye Lincoln."i said as Lincoln came closer and whispered in my ear
"I will always be beside you no matter what."and he went away.
"You alright Olivia?"asked Peter as i was cleaning up the dishes.
"What were you and Lincoln talking about?"
"Nothing! He was just asking how i was and was telling me about some things related to work thats all!"
"Okay! Nice try Liv. I know you are hiding something."he said as he took my hands snd looked straight into my eyes.
"He was concerned about me and asked how our relationship was going and if i truly loved you."
"And what did you say?"
"I said our relationship was going great."
"No i meant what did you tell him? Do you truly love me?"
"YES! Peter i do love you more than anything. And you must not have doubts about this ever."i said as i snuggled in his strong but caring arms.
"I shall never doubt you. Because I love you too."
And that moment passed by without any discussions while i was wrapped in his arms.
The next morning i woke up early because of a bad dream and found a letter besides me. There was no sign of Peter!
As i read the letter, i quickly got dressed, wore my coat and boots and went outside. The cold air blew in the streets of Boston making even the street lights flicker. It was early in the morning of December as i walked along the lake in the park and came across a bench on which sat Peter.
"Hey Liv!"he said as he pointed me to sit beside him.
"So why did you call me here?"i said.
"Ahhhh....Because i wanted to see the beautiful sunrise with you."
"Oh! Thats wonderful."
"Here i have something for you."said Peter as he handed over me a black box with a red bow on it.
"Whats this? Whats the occasion?"i said as i opened the box and was awed at what i saw. It was the most beautiful necklace i had ever seen. It was a heart shaped pendant made of silver and engraved on its back was 'I love you. '
"This is so sweet peter!"i said as i gave him a hug.
"Look inside aswell."
As i opened the necklace i saw a picture of both of us when we were kids and this brought tears in my eyes. It was a beautiful scene as my tears flowed down the majestic rays of the sun went up and lightened the sky.
"Oh Peter! This is just amazing. Thank you."
"Thats the least i could do."he said and he put his arm around my shoulder as both of us saw the sunrise together.
Suddenly while watching the sunrise i heard Lincoln's voice inside my head saying "I will always be besides you." And i realized what he had meant by this. What have i done. This cant be right.

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