Chapter Nineteen: The Lost City

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Author's Note: I just saw Aquaman today, and it was amazing! They were obviously determined to follow the comics, specifically New 52, very closely and it's now my second favourite DC movie. Only beaten by Man of Steel ☺️👌🏻 I just need to remind everyone that, though there are many similarities between this story and the movie that they're completely coincidental - because they're both based on the same run of Aquaman comic books and that I had no idea what the movie was even about until today (it comes out on the 26th in Australia and every chapter until now came out beforehand). So, if a character appears and it's not like the movie, that's because it's not meant to be. Just a little reminder, I hope you enjoy the new chapter! ☺️

For the second time in her life, Camille found herself clutching onto Arthur as he sped through the water

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For the second time in her life, Camille found herself clutching onto Arthur as he sped through the water. She was draped in the same prototype Atlantean swimsuit that she had worn once before, reminded of just how skin tight it was, and protecting her head in a similar fashion was the helmet that converted water into breathable oxygen for humans. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but Camille was at least confident in its ability to function this time around. Atlantean technology seemed a lot more reliable than the stuff on land.

Arthur took her into an eerily deep section of the ocean. Though she could almost guarantee that she had been there before, nothing looked even remotely familiar to her. She didn't know how anyone navigated these waters. Everything looked the same to Camille - blue, and dark, and silent. Perhaps it was the water pressure that indicated locations to the Atlantean people, or maybe it was the temperature. In this suit Camille could feel neither so she couldn't exactly confirm this suspicion. The more likely reason was that every rock or coral formation was similar to a marker; like a well-known building or area on land.

For a while there was just nothingness. The sea grew darker with every passing second, but Arthur's speed only seemed to increase. Atlantis appeared in the distance, lights illuminating like a single star in the night sky. The closer it grew, the more prominent it became...until it was no longer a star at all; it was a sun. It was brightness in the never-ending void. It was all that prevented Camille from the blindness that engulfed any human this far below the surface.

Camille had once asked Mera what the inside of Atlantis looked like, however her answer left much to be desired. She seemed proud of her home, but she had grown so used to its appearance that her description was limited to a few short words; beautiful, large, and technologically advanced. She had said nothing about the array of sea creatures swimming through the streets, nor did she mention that a handful of well-regarded Atlanteans lived in the tops of massive jellyfish among the likes Camille had never seen. Statues littered the city, all broken or chipped, and she couldn't tell which structures were actual houses or ancient ruins.

The Atlantean that they passed rode atop of Dolphins, Sharks, Stingray's, or any other relatively large creature. As Camille stared at them in awe, they glared back in distrust. Though she understood their scepticism, it only reminded her that she didn't have any place down there. Her entire body tensed at the thought, and Arthur seemed to notice because he slowed down.

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