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| Chapter Seventy Six |


Was it childish? Maybe. Was he petty? A little.

A small scoff left Jeongguk's lips as he stomped his way through the streets.

His driver had dropped him off nearby since the idol insisted to walk the rest of the remaining distance.

A thousand thoughts were shooting through his mind as he aimed for a familiar house. Since no one of his friends had time for him he decided to go to the only one who didn't reject his request.

Well, Jimin was also the only one who didn't respond at all in the group chat but that was not the point here for Jeongguk.

The possibility that Jimin didn't answer because he was most likely busy also was pushed to the back of Jeongguk's head.

Still lost in thoughts, he mindlessly brought his hand up to move his fist against the wooden door of Jimin's house.

Jeongguk's mind, on the other hand, was anywhere else than in front of the Park's house.

Why doesn't Yun want to meet him? What makes her think the way she does? What does she look like? How does her voice sound? And most importantly, why couldn't Jeongguk stop going crazy over her?

He was deeply sunken in questions so that he didn't notice the door in front of him slowly open until he registered a quiet gasp.

His head shot up, roughly pulled from his pool of thoughts, facing the source of the gasp.

Jimin has changed. Like a lot. Jeongguk always mocked him because of his height but now it seemed like he's even shrunken.

Jeongguk didn't see Jimin for a while now but he couldn't believe that in this short amount of time Jimin's hair grew this much.

He also dyed his hair brown, didn't he?

It wasn't until Jeongguk noticed the big eyes staring at him in disbelief that he understood:

This wasn't Jimin standing there in front of him.

So yeah, Jeongguk's eyeballs also doubled in their size.

His eyebrows jumped to the sky cause, what on earth is happening? He was here to have a good time with Jimin but now he's facing a total stranger that stranger staring back at him with at least the same amount of disbelief.

And that's when it hit Jeongguk. It hit him like a bolt of lightning that he was one of the most famous idols in South Korea and that he was caught at Park Jimin's doorstep.

A little panic rose in Jeongguk's stomach but he wasn't really sure what to say. His throat went dry at the sight of the other.

Hazel brown eyes, holding so much vulnerability in them. Lips slightly ajar as if gaping for air like a fish on the dry.


Jeongguk tried to gather his senses in order to get a grip on the situation. Taehyung exposing Jimin's face on his Instagram account was enough of unwanted attention, so Jeon Jeongguk turning up in front of his very house was more than counterproductive.

"Uh, this is a mistake, uhm-"

Jeongguk honestly tried but somehow the words stuck in his throat. It was like the sight of the stranger made both, knock the air out of him and irritate the shit out of him.

It wasn't until they heard footsteps from the nearby stairs.


Jimin froze on his spot as his gaze changed between the stranger girl and his friend.

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