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I've seen Endgame and I am




Hey Kook


Haven't given up on Spanish yet?


Do you mean Spanish no or English no


Alright then 😂

So what's up

You still coming today?

Oh yeah I'll be there


I just wanted to ask you a favor..

I would love to teach you Spanish

No not that

Qué lástima

Wow you're getting good


What I wanted you to ask is..

Could you stop coming to my house?


I mean what??

Noo, I've been planning to cook this rice soup with your mom forever

And Zhang has been begging me for days to give him a taekwondo lesson

See that's exactly what I mean

They love you

And that's a bad thing because?

They don't love me

I always told you that they pressured me to be perfect

I always thought it's alright no one is perfect and my parents didn't really have someone to compare me to

But then Mr. Perfect himself marches into my house, showing his endless talent

But they like me, isn't that something you wanted?

Yes, Jeongguk it is but do you know what I have to hear now when you're not around?

Instead of "try harder" or "you're not doing your best" I hear now "jeongguk can do it" or "why can't you be more like jeongguk"

You're... Like the perfect son they always wanted

Oh shit...

Okay I can understand that sucks

But do you think me not coming around anymore is the answer to your problems?

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