Chapter 1: The Hero Awakens

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"Never allow your fear to keep you from doing your best, try to think positive things and maybe you can change your fate."
~Aoki Lapis2

(All pictures in this story all belong to their original owner's, I do not own them)

Taiyo's Pov 🌕 🌎

I was on my way to earth, the planet that mother trinity sent us to, I'm not sure why she would send us here, I didn't question her, but it was a bit odd. I could see land, but for some reason, the descent pod that I was in, it was supposed to crash on land but instead, it crashed into the murky waters of Ozette Wetland. My vision was going in and out, my body was in so much pain, maybe due to the impact, then I see Reve on the screen, he was trying to say something, the only words that I could say was, "I'm sorry, I let you down." Then everything went black, the only thing that I could feel was water going into my lungs, I tried to hold in my air, I started to hit against the glass with all I had, the pod continues to sink, three hours had passed, my chest was heaving, my lungs are begging for air, my cheeks are puffing, I started to cough up my air from my mouth, I swallowed in water, I continue to cough up air, by this point my heartbeat is slowing down, I continue to add water into my lungs, I coughed up one more air bubble, but this one was a big air bubble, after that, I kept swallowing more water, then my whole body went limp, meaning that I can't move anymore. Now my eyes are dull and lifeless, ...sorry I couldn't live to see the world..

Who am i? What am i? I don't know, but why was that person worried about me? I feel something holding me, but I can't quite make out what is carrying me, I feel the ground, and the rain against my face. Whose air is that? It's not mine, it must be that guy.

Reve's Pov🚗

Why would mother Trinity say that? I don't get it, what did Taiyo ever do to her? She did nothing wrong and yet mother Trinity wants her dead.
This confuses me so much, but for now I must save Taiyo or else she will die. I rush over to the water and dived in, I see the pod that Taiyo was in, I opened the top up and to my horror I see Taiyo lifeless, I grabbed Taiyo from the pod and swam up to the surface, I gasped for air, I swam towards the shore, I carried Taiyo in my arms, I lay her down on the ground, I listened for a heartbeat, no heartbeat, I feel for a pulse, it's faint.

Reve:"Hey can you hear me? If your still alive answer me! This is bad, she's not showing any signs of breathing. Then I have no choice, I have to do mouth to mouth to bring her back."

Reve's Pov🕳

I opened her mouth and began to push my air into her lungs, then I compress against her chest, I can see water coming down her mouth, I continue to breathe into her then I continue to compress against her chest, come on, don't do this to me, I hear coughing, it was Taiyo but it wasn't all the water she has in her, I continue doing the steps of CPR. I think I saw her hand twitch, I felt something coming up from her mouth, it's the water she swallowed. I better get back a bit.

Taiyo's Pov🦋

I coughed up water, the person who saved me, sighed in relief, were they that worried about me? I slowly opened my eyes, he had white hair with red eyes, and his clothing was similar to mine, and he was drenched in water, did he just save me? I slowly got up but only to feel pain go though my body, I sit down, who am i? Why can't I remember my name?

Reve:"Good, you're awake Taiyo."


Reve:"Yes, that is your name."

Taiyo:"Who are you?"

Reve:"If this is a joke, have you really forgotten everything? My name is Reve."

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