Chapter 5: Devilish Return🦑

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(Same goes for this picture, it belongs to the original owner who drew it, I do not own it.)

Sarisa:"It's as muggy and humid as ever, The air over here really seems to cling to you, doesn't it? When it's this damp, this heavy outfit is such a drag. Taiyo, how about you? What do you think of this sort of weather?"

Taiyo:"I love it."

Sarisa:"Oh really? I envy you. I can't take too much of this. I'm getting some pretty creepy feelings about here. Something definitely feels wrong. Do you think it's the humidity doing this? Ew, I'm getting chills! Sorry, I guess there isn't really any point whining about it. Let's get this job over and done with as soon as possible, shall we?"

Somewhere on the rainy footpath🌧

As me and Sarisa were walking around, I couldn't help but notice that it's always raining here. Why do I get the feeling that something bad is going to happen? Could it be Octo Diablo? No it can't be... unless Octo Diablo can't be beat. Then this is going to be a problem.

At the rainbow corpse🌈

Sarisa:"Those hostiles really caught me off guard! I think this area is clear. Taiyo, let's rest a little. But that giant Octopus...Does that mean there's more than one? Or did we really not finish it off last time?"

Taiyo:"There must be more than one."

Sarisa:"Yes, it's only natural to think that. But if we didn't manage to finish it off, it won't be easy this time either. Well, whatever the case we won't be safe without some sort of plan. Just thinking it might be really be stronger than us could make me freeze up. I read in a book once...Well, maybe we could knot up its tentacles so it gets all trussed up. Or maybe...cut it out Taiyo. Quit poking me!"

Taiyo:"What are you talking about?"

Sarisa:"You're going to deny it? Fine, it's my fault for being so trusting. Let's hurry up and go."

Something tells me that Octo Diablo is out for revenge, and that it's target is me. It must be really mad that we defeated it. What other choice did we have? It was either that or Octo Diablo could have eaten the others. Something bad is going to happen, I just know it, Octo Diablo is after me and not the others.

At master's Lair🏝

Sarisa:"The giant octopus sightings all came from around here. But there doesn't seem to be anything out of place. Is it lurking underwater or something? Hm, where could it be? That way? Or over this way?"

Taiyo:"Watch out!"

Sarisa:"Huh? Wha...? Yikes! Octopus tentacles! That was close! Taiyo, if you didn't warn me, it could have grabbed me and pulled me in. Thanks! I'm not sure if there are more of them, or if it's just one that can't be beat. Both choices are horrid, actually. But if we knock it out, we should get our answer soon enough. Okay, Taiyo, let's put it down quick!"

Boss Battle⚔️

Never thought that we would have to fight Octo Diablo again, this time Octo Diablo will go down! And I will personally defeat Octo Diablo again if I have to. Could there really be more than one? That I'm not so sure about but then again nothing is impossible for Octo Diablo. All right time to end this once and for all! And this time stay dead Octo Diablo! "Photon Art:Magical Sign!" And with that Octo Diablo is down for the count.

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