Chapter 6

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Waking up to a mind splitting headache, I looked around to find out I was in the Headquarters Infirmary. " What the hell am I doing here?" My vision was a bit blurry and I had to wait for it to even out.  I heard the door open and someone stepped in, I quickly made it look like I was looking for my spectacles, which I don't need since I can see perfectly fine without but only wear them to make it look like I'm normal. " Lady Lilith you are awake" Said the doctor. " May I know as to what I'm doing here and how did I get here" I asked in a annoyed tone.

" Well you were rushed here after you were found unconscious in front of the library, you have been out cold for three days" "THREE DAYS!" I screamed. How was this possible? I don't remember going to the library, I believe I was heading to the forest in the mortal realm. So many questions started to fill my head and it only made my headache worse. Throwing the blanket back I stood up and headed for the door. " Where are you going, you're condition-" " I am extremely busy, I don't have the luxury to lay around doing nothing when I am perfectly fine, now if you will excuse me, I have souls to reap and new dim witted newbies to train, Good day" and with that I slammed the door and stormed down the hall.

-Time Skip-

It's the year 1850

I was so tired of everything, always doing the same thing over and over again. It's been over 200 years since that weird incident with me ending up in the infirmary. Deciding that I needed a change, I took a leave from the Reaper Realm and returned to the mortals. I had a mansion in London and a tun of money. It's been around 20 years now that I've moved back, once in a while I get called for soul collecting when there is a staff shortage.

I did a collection a few days ago and wanted to take a break by wondering the streets of London. In this society everyone belongs to a curtain class, there are nobles, middle class, working class etc. I was never a fan of class systems but there is nothing I could do, and especially disliked when women were underestimated and had to uphold certain standards such as always wearing a dress and all that nonsense.

To blend in I was wearing a black grounded silk dress , with the skirt elegantly woven with a pattern of full-blown roses and foliage in red. Plain black body and sleeves, finished with broad bands of red embossed velvet and pearl ornaments. Underneath the dress I had two daggers, a gun and a sword strapped to my thighs. You never now who you might run into, better be safe then sorry.

While admiring jewellery at a shop, I heard a woman cry for help. It sounded like it came from a near by ally. I quickly rushed to were I heard the scream. There in the dark back ally stood a woman on her twenties, she had navy blue hair and bright blue eyes, she was dressed like a noble. In front of her stood two men cloaked in black, one of them was pointing a gun at her. " Please leave me alone" she begged with tear filled eyes. " Not a chance sweetheart, we have orders to eliminate you" smirked the one on the right. The woman saw me and let out a squeaky sound that sounded like help. Normally I wouldn't interfere as it is again the Reaper rules, but rules are made to be broken.

" Hey, didn't your mother teach you that it's rude to point a gun at a lady!" I shouted to the to men. They only now noticed me and had grins plastered on their faces. " Well, well, well, who do we have here, why don't you run along if you now what's best for you" said the one with the gun " Not a chance in hell boys" I laughed as I started to approach them, this was gonna be fun, nothing interesting had happened since I moved. Both of them had guns pointed at me but that didn't stop me from moving. They seemed to notice and both pulled the triggers. Two bullets were speeding through the air towards me. I caught them between my fingers and smirked. The guys had their eyes wide open " WHAT THE HELL-" they never finished talking as I flung the bullets with the same force as a gun and made to wholes in their heads. They dropped dead onto the cobble stone road.

Within seconds the woman crushed me with a hug, she was crying her eyes out while saying "thank you" over and over again. " Now, now calm down your safe now" I said whiles petting her on the head. She finally calmed down and straightened herself. " would it be to much to ask if you accompany me today, I'm scared to run my errands for the day without someone by my side" I thought about it and come to the conclusion that I would stay be her side. There's no harm in that plus I don't really have anything to do besides dying of boredom. ". I don't mind staying with you" I replied calmly. She smiled at me and her whole aurora glowed. " May I know my hero's name" she asked " Oh how rude on me, my name is Lilith" I giggled while smiling " What a lovely name, my name is Claudia Phantomhive"

Happy New Year everyone, hope your enjoying your holidays. I'm writing the next chapter as we speak, I'll aiming to post it tomorrow or the day after.

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