Chapter 14

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The three of us made our way to the entrance of the mansion, the grand doors were wide open and bright light was spilling out. I had my hand looped through Undertakers elbow and was trying to copy a typical woman's behaviour when they were in a relationship because frankly it has changed since the last time I was here which was over 200 years ago. As we walked up the front stair case I couldn't help myself but think that I was forgetting something, but I couldn't place my finger on it.

" Duchess of Violetmont, what an honour please come in your grace" Said the butler of the mansion, now I remember, I never told Claudia or Undertaker that I hold the title of Duchess. As if they both read my mind they turned to me with shocked faces, I just awkwardly smiled. " Yes well I preferred if you just called me Lady Lilith and Please don't make the other guests aware of my presence, I wouldn't want to start a commotion" The butler nodded and should us the way to the ball room. It was filled with people and there was music playing in the background. Most of the people were Nobles from the way they were dressed but among them were also middle and upper class people.

Once the butler was gone Claudia and Undertaker turned to me and said in unison " Your the Duchess of Violetmont!" I gulped and nodded. "I'm gonna interrogator you once we done here" Claudia glared at me. " I'm ashamed to call myself an informant now" I just chuckled and said " Your not the only one who can your identity a secret " He smirked and said nothing. " Now you two go and dance, be on the look out for anything strange or suspicious. And don't worry about me, I'm armed just in case" With that Claudia spun on a heel and headed in the opposite direction. I grabbed her hand and she looked at me " Be careful, if anything happens just shout my name" I told her in a worried tone, she smiled and nodded, I let go and be all made our different ways.

The music had gotten louder signalling that it was time to dance. We made our way through he crowded and stood on the out skirts of the circle were others watched. I was scanning the area when all of a sudden someone said " Aren't you a cute couple, why don't you go dance" and the next thing we knew we were pushed forward onto the dance floor. This left us with no choice but to dance. " Well we might as well" Undertaker took my hand and started to dance. " You know how to dance?" I asked in a surprised voice " Of course I do, who do you take me for" He Laughed " Old creepy pervert" that just made him laugh more " I'm offended" I just smirked. We had somehow ended up in the middle of the dance floor, while we were spinning I took it as an opportunity to look around, so far nothing.

Since there was nothing we could do but wait for Claudia I decided to ask him a few questions but I never got the chance as he beat me too it " So tell me a bit about your self " honestly I was kinda caught of guard. " I don't talk for free" I replied in my sweetest voice " Obviously, fine what do you want"  A grin had spread on my face " Right now nothing but in the future if I ever need a favour your gonna have to help whether you like it or not and you can question anything" " Seems like a reasonable deal" " So it's a deal" "Deal" " Now let's start of with who you are and how did you get here" "Well your aware of the existence of supernatural beings so it shouldn't be much a problem to explain" I had forgotten that we were dancing and was surprised when he spun me around that I had barely any time to recover that I crashed right into his chest. He used his hand that was now on my waist to steady me. "Ops" I glared at him while he had a grin on his face. We carried on waltzing while I told him my story. Just as I was about to tell him how I had become Duchess of Violetmont something caught my eye or more like someone. " Hey anything I do from now on is for the mission so don't even think anything weird" " And what's that suppose to mean" " It means follow my lead" I grabbed his hand and made our way to one of the tables with drinks.

I told him to wait at the side while I grabbed our drinks. Once I had our drinks I made my way towards him but first, a bit of drama. As I walked towards him I accidentally bumped into someone and spilled the drinks on them. " I'm so sorry please forgive my clumsy self" I apologise " Watch were your go... your grace" I knew there was something fishy. " Lord Dale it's been a while" I straightened myself while I spoke with Charles Dale one of Lords who thinks money can my anything, even a woman. This perverted freak has been after me for a while ever since he set eyes on me a few years ago. " Duchess of Violetmont, what brings you here" He asked in a cool voice. " Just curiosity and boredom, that's all" I smiled " And have you come here with a partner" there was a sardonic smile on his face " Indeed I have" his smile dropped and his face went dark. Perfect. I stepped to the side and waved " Oh honey come over here~" I childishly called Undertaker. Even with his eyes covered I could tell he was confused and shocked but nonetheless made his way towards us.

"Yes dear you called" I took Undertakers hand and rapped my finger around his and leaned into his shoulder. Charlie's eyes widened "Aren't you the Undertaker?" " Yes I am" He replied flatly. Something had changed about Undertaker, his smile was gone and he his grip had tightened. At least I'm not the only one getting bad vibes from this jerk. "This is gotta be some kind of joke, there's no the Duchess of Violetmont is in a relationship with a working class man let alone the Undertaker freak" He let out a horrifying laugh that sent chills down my spine. I can't believe this low life just called Undertaker a freak, yeah he can be creepy at times but his not a freak. Undertaker had let go of my hand and rapped it around my waist pulling me closer to him. Normally I would have knocked him out for that but I was glad he was holding me as I felt safe in his hands, though there was nothing to be afraid of the jerk still have me the creeps. I don't know whether he did that to prove a point or for self restraint because his other hand was in a fist.

"Why don't you ditch that good for nothing creepy and join me and my friends" I was so close to punching that smirk of his face. " No thank, I prefer real man to fake. I do not care that Undertaker is of working class, in fact I do not see how that matters, whether someone is rich or not, I believe that what's inside is what matters. I love him for who he is and he is ten times the gentleman you will ever be" I told him in a penetrating voice, I kept my head high not allowing him to answer back. " It was a pleasure seeing you" Annoyed and angry he turned around and stormed off. I let out my breath that I didn't realise I was holding. " Well that went well" Undertaker said blankly. " Yeah, I need a drink right about now" It hadn't even been half an hour since the encounter with Charlies Dale when my worst fear come true. " LILITH!!!"

Hey guys! I know I said I would update in June/July ( which is true) but I don't sleep at night much so I had time to write this. I made this extra long as I'm gonna need to revise from now on and also to make up for the fact that the last one was short. Btw I love drawing so I drew a ruff idea of what Lilith and Undertaker look side by side in this part of the story, hope you like it. I think it's bad just saying. Well till next time.

 Well till next time

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