Chapter 13

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I stormed to my room to get changed, I still couldn't believe I have to dance with him. Why me? I swear this day couldn't get worse. And as always things do get worse. As I stormed in I saw that there was a dress laying on my bed, this could only mean one thing. I have to wear the dress Claudia picked out. The dress was beautiful, it was a navy blue off the shoulder lace appliques ball gown but the top would expose quite some skin, in normal circumstances, I would have no problem wearing a dress like that, if anything that dress was my style, however, with a certain mourn creep as my date for the night brought shivers down my spine. I signed and picked up the dress. Quickly I got dressed and moved on to my hair. I had trouble deciding what to do with it at first but then an idea came to me if I'm going to help catch the murder I might as well do it in style. Grabbing my hairbrush I brushed it out and made my hair half up and half down, I also curled so that it would be wavy and fixed my bangs. I hide some blades under my skirt and pulled on knee-high boots that I used to wear when I was still working as a full-time reaper. Finally, I put on a gorgeous black necklace with red rubies and a small sized top hat with diamonds and feathers that sat at an angle and to top it all of black lace elbow length gloves. Now I was ready to make my grand entrance.

Smirking I made my way to the entrance of the Phantomhive Manor. Once I reached the top of the staircase I saw that Claudia was wearing a similar dress to mine however hers was a sapphire blue and was made out of silk. She had a wide grin plastered on her face and looked generally pleased with her face and my bets went to the dress. Next to her Undertaker a matching grin, nothing unusual though I could see a faint shade of pink on his cheeks. Pervert. I descended down the stairs and followed Claudia to the waiting carriage.

A few minutes into the ride Claudia had decided to break the awkward silence. " Since I didn't have the time to explain my plan early I'll tell you now. So you two are our tickets to this ball since I know how much you love acting Lilith you will put on your best madly in love act" " If only I knew what love was" I mumbled under my breath only loud enough for me to hear though I had a slight feeling Undertaker heard me. " I'll do most of the talk so you two just play along when the dancing starts I'll use that as an opportunity to snoop around while dancing keep an eye on anything suspicious. I'll figure out the rest later" I and Undertaker just nodded in unison. " I'm surprised you haven't objected to anything or even said your opinion on the matter at hand," I said to Undertaker wondering why he hasn't complained about dancing with me. " You see dear I learnt that if you question a woman's order then 99% of the time they bite~" He chuckled. I couldn't help my self but laugh " I may not like you but you never seem to fail to amuse me" At this point, we were all laughing and nobody seemed to realise that we had stopped moving. We had arrived.

This is the dress Lilith wears

--------------------------------------------------------------This is the dress Lilith wears

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Sorry for not updating I had mock exams. My friend told me I need to socialize more and make more friends so I put my Twitter in my bio if anyone wants to talk just DM me the word Emerald so I know that you found me through my story. Some Stuff I like: Black Butler, Anime, Harry Potter, Shadowhunters, Throne of Glass, A court of thorns and rose, and much more. One final thing I will probably update next in June/July as I have GCSEs and I can't fail them. Thank you till next time.

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