Chapter 9

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Adrian's Pov

I heard the bell ring to my parlour, how exciting new costumers. " Hello is anybody there?" the voice belonged to a young lady, oh this is gonna be fun, it's so easy to scare the young. I climbed out of my coffin which made them jump and me laugh. " Are you the Undertaker?" Asked the woman in her twenties, she had navy blue hair and bright blue eyes, she was dress like a noble. " Why yea I am, what may your reason be to visiting my parlour, you seem to young to be here for a fitting~" I giggled, she was indeed young and beautiful and I saw a blush creep onto her face. There was a laugh and for once it didn't come from me, I turned to her friend and couldn't believe who stood before me.

LILITH! What the is she doing here? I tried to move away but my body would not allow it. I was frozen. So many things wondered my mind. What if she knows me? What if she knows what I did? Why is she not in the Reaper realm? Putting on my smile I commanded my body to move. My hands were shaking but thanks to my robes she could not see it. Why am I so nervous? I sat at my desk and listened as they introduced themselves. To be honest I wasn't really paying much attention, frankly because I didn't really care, after all my costumers only visit me once and when they do the second it's always as guests. We discussed the funeral which was to take place on Friday. I had only one thing on my mind, Will Lilith be there?

I could not sleep that night. All I keep thinking was about Lilith. For once in my life I was scared, she is such a powerful being that could kill you with something as innocent as a flower. The fact that I didn't know why she was here was making me worry.

-Time Skip to Friday-

Stupid, stupid, stupid, why did I mention her eyes and the fact that I knew what she was. She'll kill me. To my surprise, she looked surprised. This relieved me because it means she doesn't know what I am. Well that means I can finally sleep tonight. I've been paranoid since.

When everyone left, being the curious Reaper that I am, I stayed behind and eavesdropped on Liliths and Claudias conversation. It seems Lilith is going to stick around in the mortal realm for a while. I just hope she doesn't get into trouble. Seems like I'm doing to have to keep an eye on her. I watched as the two left and wondered, when would I see them again.

THANK YOU FOR 300 views it means a lot to me!Once again I apologise for a short and crappy chapter but I got my mock results back a few days ago and as predicted it was shit. So it's currently 2:40 and I needed to do something to get myself to sleep. Also I don't know when I'll update but I'll try my hardest to. Bye for now.

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