Starwars: The Padawan

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"Alright you ready?" Kaylor asked. "yea i'll be right down!" I replied. We didnt know jedi really existed, we just heard stories about them! Now we acually get to meet them.

I ran down stairs and met up with Kaylor by the door "we'll see you guys there, love ya!" I said. "Okay love you too, be carful" my parents replied. We walked out and headed torwards the towns square.

There was a whole crowd gatherd around in a circle surrounding the jedi. "I wonder who they're gonna take with them" I said. There was two of them, a older looking one and a younger one. They were both sitting legs crossed, looks like their meditating.

The older one stood up and looked around, then he looked straight at me, he pointed and said "you. Come up here" I was shocked, I stood their frozen like a rock. I felt a nudge and started walking. I made my way up to them and just stood there motionless, "we have found him. What is your name?" The older looking one said. "I-i'm Mekal" I said stuttering.

"I am Obi-Wan and this is my padawan Anakin" Obi-Wan said. "We are taking you with us back to the temple, despite your age, we find a very strong sensitivity in you." Anakin said. "What about my family and friends?" I asked. "Dont worry we will explain everything on the way. We will give you time to pack your things and say goodbye. Once you're ready to leave meet us back here and we will leave" they said.They bowed and I nodded then turned to walk away.

We walked home in complete silence. As I entered into my not for long home, I decided to take a seat and breath before I left. "do you need any help packing?" My mom asked. I looked up at her, focusing on every detail, knowing I won't see her for long, and responded, "Sure."

We both got up and headed to my room. "Are you alright?" She asked. "yes mom i'm fine, im just a little nervous and scared thats all." I replied. "Oh honey, it'll be okay! Besides you can always see us after your training. Look theres something I need to tell you, your not the only one thats force sensitive in this family" she said. "What? Why didnt you leave to train to be a jedi? How come you stayed? " I asked hesitantly. "Well Mekal, I wanted to have a family. If I were to leave, you wouldent be standing right where you are today." she said.

We finished packing and headed down stairs for a final goodbye. "Well it looks like i'm all ready! Bye dad I love you!"

"I love you too son, and remember i'm proud of you" he said. We hugged for what seemed like forever then he finally let go. "goodbye mom, i'll miss you! And I love you!" I said. "I love you to honey" she replied. She wiped her eyes starting to tear up, I couldent bear looking up at her while she cried, hurts my heart.

"Kaylor, oh Kaylor, i'm gonna miss you so much! Theres something I've always wanted to tell you.... I- I love you" I said. Tears welling in my eyes and her face lightens up.

"Oh Mekal I love you too, and now your leaving." She started to cry and I took her in and embraced her in a long, angelic hug. We finished and said good bye one last time and then, I took off.

I reached the town square in no time and found Obi-Wan and Anakin standing right where they said they'd be. "You all set?" Obi-Wan asked. "Yes sir!" I replied. An unfamiliar ship landed and we boarded. "Alright your room is down the hall and to your right, get some sleep you look exhausted, besides your gonna need some rest if we're gonna train you!" Said Obi-Wan. I walked down the hall and looked for my room, I turned right and enterd. "Hmm not a bad place" I said to my self, I put my stuff down and threw myself on the bed.

Then drifted off into a heavy sleep.

"Wake up the council needs to have a word with you" said Anakin. I tiredly rub my eyes and sat up. I leave the room and find two troops waiting to escort me, "Are you ready sir?" One of the asked. "Yes." I replied sleepishly. I walked practicaly dragging myself. "Hello Mekal its nice to meet you, I am Ki-Adi-Mundi, next to me is master Yoda, master Kit Fisto, and master Mace Windu. "It's a pleasure to meet you all" I said.

"Yes indeed. We have noticed a strong sensitivity from you and would like to train you in the ways of the force, do you accept this?" Asked master Windu. "Yes most definitely" I said. "Good, we will get you your schedule tomorrow, your room number is 22. See you tomorrow and may the force be with you" he said.

I walked with a troop escorting me to my room until I accidently bumped into someone, "Hey! Watch it kid! Just because you're new here doesn't mean I won't hurt you." he shouted. I rolled my eyes at him and kept walking, not even giving him the satisfaction of my answer. We finally found my room, I bowed and the clone troop left. I walked in and shut the door behind me, I threw myself on my bed and drifted away to a deep, deep, deep, sleep.

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