Hopelessly In Love With You

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Arias P.O.V

"He was a big part of my life, and he'll always be something in my heart. But not a lot of people will be okay with that, and I understand if you won't. I really hope you will be though, because I do like you, and I can see this - us - developing." We sat next to each other on the couch whilst I cupped his hands.

"Do you, really?" Todd asked me very cautiously.

I frowned and waited for him to go on.

"I mean, obviously you guys have a long history. Him being here would be hard to move on from. I don't want to get in the way of anything." He explained very slowly. Uncomfortable would be one word to describe how he looked right now.

"Its not how it used to be, and the best thing for both of us is to move on. And that's what I've been doing." Or trying to anyway...

We sat in silence while Todd took in all of what I said. It really had been a long night for both of us.

"You make it very hard for somebody to not like you." He finally said with a smirk building on his face and his hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me into him.

Softly, Todd's lips touched mine and from there, it built. The night was long, but it wasn't bad. Something had lifted, there was a weight change in the universe, only minor, but it was still noticeable. Something big was going to happen soon, a game changer. I could feel it coming, approaching slowly, just out of reach.


Ezra's P.O.V

After coming out of another AA meeting, I decided to head to the local book store. I still wasn't familiar with this area, and I wanted to read something new, something I could really dive into in my free time.

As soon as I went to reach for a book, my hand had clashed with someone else reaching for the same book.

"Sorry- Aria!" The biggest coincidence of all coincidences. Ever.

She grinned at me and turned back to the book. "I heard it's meant to make people cry, even men."

"As a hopeless romantic I imagine I would." I said mindlessly, looking over Aria's beautiful features.

She smiled slightly and looked like she thought over what I'd just said.

"So, how are you? Last night was..." I tried to think of a word best fitting, but nothing came to mind.

"Unusually usual." Aria replied with an amused tone. She broke our gaze and searched all the books, running her fingers across the spines slowly.

"Well that, and that it felt sort of right?" I tempted her, making her snap her gaze back to me.

This threw me off a little, her eyes were extremely focused on me as she kept darting back and forth between mine.

I cleared my throat, shifting my eyes, as Aria would always point out I do when I'm uncomfortable. It's funny how you don't realise these things until somebody points them out, like cracking your knuckles or subconsciously playing with your thumbs.

Her look softened though and she returned to looking back at the books. "I was wondering, you told me last night that you said something when you thought I was still home... was it... important?"

"Uh..." I bit down on my lip for about the millionth time this year and thought back to that unholy night.

"I know you're mad at me... And you probably never want to see me again... But I really love you Ar, with all of my soul I know it's right to be with you. We can make it work, I'll do what it takes to be what you deserve. I know I'm not anything but short of that at this time, but I don't- no I won't- be without you. Because you are something amazing Aria and nothing and nobody will ever come close to meaning as much to me as you do... Please, open up."

"No. It wasn't... Important." I gulped down my insane want for loving Aria for her sake. She can move on, she should move on, find her happiness with someone else.

Aria nodded, seemingly a little disappointed, just as Todd came up to us and slipped his hand into hers.

"Hello Ezra." Todd said a nicely as possible.

"Good to see you again, this time properly clothed." I joked awkwardly.

Aria half grinned nervously whilst Todd squinted at me in confusion.

"Well, our parking time is almost up babe." Todd said to Aria, smoothing over that awkward moment nicely.

"Oh okay, bye Ezra." Aria smiled as she took a copy of the book we both reached for earlier, with her free hand though because Todd was clutching the other extremely tightly.

"Bye." I called to both of them as Todd led her out.

The pain of her leaving every time is something I will never overcome. I know she's my soul mate, my one and only, and I'm never going to find a love as great as ours again.

I'm hopelessly in love with Aria Montgomery, while she's moving on.

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