Chapter 31

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AN - Hi all, just at my parents for the weekend, so i have internet for two days!! a couple of chapters to get you through until I have full internet access ...i hope you enjoy! Az x

Chapter 31

With his hand gripping tightly to her elbow, she knew bruises would mar the flesh beneath. Hurrying along beside Douglas, as at least two of her steps fit into one of his. The ramshackle camp was more than she was expecting. For all she had heard from Douglas and his band of banished men over the years of their movable camp, she had thought it was mere rags and sticks, but here, yes it was not good quality. It was made of items of the forest around them and whatever else they could scrounge or steal. But when erected in their latest clearing, they kept it with pride, for she knew in her soul, it was the only home they would ever have again. If they did not keep it well, then what life would they have otherwise?

There were a few women scattered about. Throwing her curious glances and jealous stares. She presumed that the life of a woman here was worse than the fate of the men. From the little she had witnessed already, a few of the women had been ‘claimed’ as wife by a male, the rest floated from the arms of one male to another. And she suspected being in Douglas’ arms gave one something extra within this group. Which was most probably the main reason behind the glares she was receiving. She wanted to scream at them that she did not wish to be with Douglas, that they were free to have him for all she cared.

His fingers digging in a little harder, her gaze flew to his. “You are not paying attention, Sheena.” His voice was honey sweet, so at odds with the actions he performed, even when that honey dripped from his mouth. “Now, I will start again. You will not be going anywhere near the MacKay’s while they are…” he seemed to search for the right word, even as his fingers tightened further, causing her to grit her teeth. “Guests, at my pleasure.” He smiled down at her even as she hurried to keep up with him as he moved. A rough, small looking male, called Douglas from the other side of the large camp.  She furrowed her brow, he was altogether too small to be a fully grown male, but yet his full beard proclaimed him so. Douglas’ laugh cracked through the camp. His chuckles dying gradually, as he even wiped a tear from his eye. “Have you never seen a dwarf before Sheena? Curious creatures, I would suggest you do not stare over long or over hard. He does not like it.” His smirk said it all.

“The fire pit by my tent, stay there until I return, if you are not there…well, I may have to take out my emotions upon the MacKay’s.” Releasing her, she let out a small gasp as the blood rushed back to her lower arm. Watching him walk away with a confident swagger, master of all he surveyed. Unable to move now she was released, she just had to watch him walk away. Half way between where he had left her and his goal, he stopped to kick at a small boy, who tried to slink away from the attack, and did not lift his eyes from the ground. She took a step forward to stop the attack, but it was over before she could be of any use. Douglas walking forward once more, not paying any attention to the boy who did not even cry. Greeting the dwarf as if meeting a long lost friend and moving into the forest together.

Turning to face the direction of the fire Douglas had proclaimed she should sit by. She caught sight of the young boy once more. Sat curled upon himself rocking slightly backwards and forwards. She was torn, the fate of the boy was none of her concern, and it could end in Aonghus and Boyd being punished. But her heart ached for the lad. Shaking her head, knowing it was most probably foolish, she took one step towards him, then another. Before she knew it, the small boy, just skin and bone and floppy, tangled, dirty brown hair, rocked just inches before her. As she squatted before him, he made no move to look at her, just rocked and muttered a little nonsense to himself.

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