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Xyla was looking at the framed pictures of what she assumed to previous circus members. She quickly looked away when she noticed the eyes of  a little girl dressed in baby blue's portrait following her. For a moment she thought she was going mad, until she glanced back and saw the girl herself. No longer trapped in the frame, she gave a gentle smile and waved. Xyla could only give a small wave back before she heard Mair yell. "XYLA! HURRY UP!" Turning to face Mair, she caught one last glance of the mysterious child before running to catch up.

As they continued down the corridor, they heard joyful music slowly get louder and louder. Kaizen's face lit up with glee, "It's time! It's time! For the final show of our beloved star, Esna!" Kaizen was smiling so wide, she could rival Cheshire. 'Esna? Why does it sound so familiar?, thought Xyla. Suddenly, Xyla held her head in great pain. "No. It can't be. Not Esna." Xyla quietly mumbled to herself. Mair looked back at Xyla with worry. "Are you alright?" Mair asked as she reached her hand towards Xyla. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Xyla responded. Even Kaizen was worried now, her previous joyful smile now twisted into a face of concern. She walked closer to Mair, nearly hiding behind her. She quietly whispered, "Is she going to be ok?" The only response was silence. Xyla eventually let go of her head, but strangely enough her eyes were kept closed. 'Is she alright now?' Thought Kaizen. Laughter erupted from Xyla, instantly she knew something was definitely wrong. "Why so sad? Aren't you glad to see me again? Kaizen?" Xyla said in a near mocking tone. She opened her eyes to reveal piercing yellow eyes, not the previously bright violet eyes. Fear flashed in Kaizen's eyes. "It can't be. You shouldn't be here. Your time has gone. We buried you long ago-" Kaizen looked up 'Xyla' "-Illya" On Xyla's face appeared a menacing smile. "You remembered me, how sweet." She taunted. Kaizen looked down, staring unblinkingly at her shoes. 'Xyla' walked over to a Kaizen, "don't be so down in the dumps, don't you remember all the times we played together? We can do it all again. The tea parties, dress up, even play princess." At this point tears were forming in Kaizen's eyes. She had missed Illya with all her heart, but she knew it wasn't right. She knew that she can't hold onto Illya forever. She had to let her go. Looking up, with tears flowing down her cheeks, she mumbled, "I'm sorry Illya... I wish could stay forever, but it all ending a long time ago. You need to move on. I don't want to hold you back anymore. It will be ok, I'll never forget you, so please give Xyla back..." Xyla wanted to cry out, all the sorrow and pain of remembering, but she just gave a gentle smile to the girl in front of her. In response, She got a beaming smile, radiating happiness. "We'll play again some other day, alright?" She held out her pinkie towards Kaizen. Kaizen entwined her pinkie with Xyla's "pinkie promise" Faint blue smoke started leaving Xyla's body, forming the shape of a little girl. The misty child curtsied before evaporating disappearing into the air. Bawling could be heard from Kaizen. She tried so desperately to wipe away the tears, but they wouldn't stop. She had so dearly missed Illya, it felt as if her heart had been ripped out. She knew she had to stay strong, for her dearest friend. All good things often come to an end.

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