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She looked around at her surrounding. Looking at all the familiar hallways and pictures before gazing up to meet the eyes of many new faces. Although she had only awoken moments ago, he eyes felt heavy and she let the sweet embrace of sleep consume her.

Kaizen looked at the unconcious girl in front of her. Surely it had been her fault for this girl's state, right? The girl began to stir before opening her eyes. "Zen...?" She asked in a half conscious state. "You're ok!" Exclaimed Kaizen. Xyla sat up and observed her surroundings. "What happened?" Xyla asked. "Oh....uhhhh.... nothing?" Responded Kaizen nervously. Mair let out a fake cough to get their attention. "Are you two ready to continue on our journey or are we going back to the infirmary," asked the oldest of the group. "Let's continue!" yelled Kaizen as she continued down the hall with the other two following behind.

They arrived at a giant door slightly ajar after what felt like hours when in reality it has only been a few minutes. "We're here!" Exclaimed the over excited girl as she opened the door. Inside the room Xyla could see all the performers. The fire-breathers. The clowns. The snake charmer and many more. All of them were practicing, but there was a single person not moving. A blonde girl lying quietly in a glass coffin-like object. Her eyes were closed, but not in a serene sleep way. It was more of as if she was dead, trapped in an endless dream until awoken by a prince. Her dress was a white knee-length dress covered in white feathers, seemingly themed after a swan. While I was too busy analyzing the person in the cage, Mair and Kaizen had gathered everyone to the large table in the far right end of the room. "Come on, everyone is excited to meet you!" Said Kaizen joyously. I slowly made my way over to the table before taking an empty seat. As a sat down, a strange contraption served our food. It kinda looked like some sort of steampunk octopus serving what I think is.... jellybeans? Why jelly beans? I'm not complaining, but that isn't really a dinner food item. Actually, I don't know what time it is. For all I know it could be two in the morning. I ate the jellybeans slowly as I observed the others. They held a friendly conversation while I quietly ate. My mind kept wandering back to the girl in the glass case. She hadn't joined us. Is she dead? Probably not, but it is a possibility.  I rested my head in the palm of my hand. Everything is just so confusing, constantly changing, leaving me wondering. I don't even remember how I got here at this point, but all I can say is that this place holds an uneasy atmosphere.

I haven't updated this story in a while. I don't really know what to do with it, it feels.... repetitive. I don't know if I'll continue, especially since it takes so long to update such a small amount. Please give me your opinions.

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