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The ship bobbed up and down on clear blue water. Fish swam under the boat minding there business. The blue sky had little fluffy clouds lingering here and there as the sun shined down on a white haired person. They were sitting on the rail crossed legged ,(S/c) arm resting on the knee, hand on chin, the other hand was hanging loosely of the railing. They sighed, as their (E/c) held boredom as they looked for something to entertain them. As nothing seemed to uplift their boredom, they went into there mind, trying to entertain her self. Darkness consumed her vision as a white haired person with (H/c) highlights comes into view. (E/c) looking directly into the exact same looking person.

' Where are we going?' The described version said (you)

' I don't know, if I did I would tell you.' The second said, irritated.  

' Don't get sassy with me.'

' Shut it, you delusive bitch.'

' What did you call me?'

' Delusive bitch.'

' Oh, thanks.'  

' Whatever.'

' Ok so I was wandering -'

" Oi, (Y/n)! Wake up!" A speaking pompadour said.

"Hu?" The white haired person said looking to the right, a little bit to high.

" My eyes are down here, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) looked a bit lower and saw a pair of eyes looking at them. 'That explains a lot.'

" Hey Thatch what do you need," Said a very tired (Y/n), " oh, and I wasn't asleep."

" Just checking if your ok, you where about to fall off, and you where mumbling words like ' Delusive bitch' and so forth," Pompadour man said smiling, " What where you day-dreaming of?" 

" Just arguing with my self," (Y/n) replied ," Do you know where we are going?"

" Oh, well the captain of the spade pirates is looking for pops," The (E/c) person gave him a blank look , " to challenge him." He finished. Their face fell at that, then twisted into a sinister smile.

" He's going to die." They said, more to themselves rather then Thatch and giggled a little.

As the (S/c) person laughed, Thatch slowly backed away with a fake smile, creeped out a little.

Once the insane person stopped they looked back out to the sea, boredom slowly tacking over them again. Sighing they returned to the empty void that is their entertainment.

The darkness overtook them again, same as last time. The same white haired person with (H/c) highlights, (E/c) eyes that illuminated the darkness around them.

' Hell-'

' Don't leave me all alone, you cunt!'

' Sorry, but I did find something.'

' Stop procrastinating and just straight up tell me!'

' We are going to where the spade pirates are.'

'... ... ... ... ... ... really. Why, who the fuck are they, and where are they?'

' Pops was challenged and I don't know who the spade pirates are or where they are.'

' Well how about, go and find out!'

' But you said do-'

' Now!'

And with that they left.

(Y/n), who was still sitting on the railing, put both arms in the are and stretched, but that resulted, being off balance and fell forward. 

I don't care /// Ace x readerWhere stories live. Discover now