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Jeongsan pouted and snuggles in the bedsheet; I knew he was crying as I heard his soft sobs.

"Shush.. baby, Appa is kidding." I mumbled as I quickly carried him in my arms.

"A-Appa.. d-don't know me..." He cried, his little hands wrapped around my neck, his chubby cheeks touches mine.

"Jimin-ah.. don't you remember?" Mrs Park asked.

"Remember, what?" Jimin looked confused and soon he glance at me, "Is he.. Is he ours..?"

I don't know whether to say yes or no.. so I just gave a nod. 

"I don't remember anything.. I don't." He closed his eyes stressing about it, his hands slipped through his hairs desperately.

"E-Eomma.. ani-yeo."

I rubbed Jeongsan's back firmly as he hiccups and quickly walked out.

"Jungkook.." I called him, he instantly stood up from seat and took Jeongsan in his arms. He was still crying... somehow Jungkook tried to calm him.

"What happened to my baby..? Why baby is crying?" He mumbled, softly patting at his back while I removed the water bottle, "You shouldn't have taken him in.."

"I didn't. He ran."


Note: Last two part remaining... 💕

Don't judge me cause I know whatever it is.. I don't really know 😘

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