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When Yoongi arrived home after school, he heard sobbing coming from the living room. He made his way to the living room where he saw Stephanie crying her eyes out and the rest of the family comforting her.

"What happened?" he asked. Everyone turned their heads to look at him.

"Stephanie's friend was found dead in one of the computer rooms." Their dad said in a sad tone.


"I'm sorry for your loss" he said to his sister who had her face buried in her hands.

He walked out of the living room and ran upstairs. He went into his bedroom and slammed the door shut.

He slid down with his back against the door and sat down on the floor.

His breathing was becoming very unsteady.

He stood back up and started pacing around his room.

He kept running his fingers through his blonde hair while trying to steady his breathing.

He killed his own sisters friend literally a few moments ago...

He sat down on the bed and sighed.

He rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie and stared blankly at the faded scars on his wrist and arm.

He remembers what happened.

He had taken mirror shards and cut himself to try to get rid of the little chip that they had planted. It may have seemed pretty impossible to get rid of but he knew where in the system it was.

He felt it.

Maybe it was his abilities that helped him.

Either way, he got rid of it and that's what mattered.

"Yoongi. Can I come in?" His mom said outside the door while giving it two soft knocks.

"Yeah" he replied and quickly rolled down his sleeve.

She entered the room with a small smile and took a seat on the bed beside him.

"How have you been doing?" She asked.

"I'm okay" Yoongi replied, refusing to meet her gaze.

"Listen..." she sighed and placed her hand on top of his. "There's something we should talk about."

He looked at her with a worried expression.

"I... well, me and your father... we know what you're capable of. We know about your abilities, Yoongi." she said.

"What..? How?"

"The book. We've known about it for a long time. And we knew that your name was on that list. All the people who had been on that list had been sent to the lab a-and..." she took a deep breath before speaking again. "We didn't want to send you there at first but you kept acting weirder and weirder as each day passed until one day... we just didn't know what else to do."

Yoongi's eyes widened.

So they knew about it?

They knew what they did...?

What they would do to him?

They knew.

Yet they sent him there anyways...

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