IV. The Well

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After lunch and over-organizing the students, we rented three buses for us and chatted until we finally reached the first site to see the famous Arch of Constantine, located in the Colosseum. It was a majestic small building. My heart quickened with the view of the structure and I could not contain my enthusiasm as I talked about it with my students. Seeing it live was another thing altogether. If it is so beautiful in ruins, I imagine what it would be like to when it was built and was in perfect conditions back then. I would kill to have the opportunity to see it intact, even though it's impossible.

"Arch of Constantine was built on the order of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, in 315 AD. The arch was erected to honor the victory of Constantine following the Battle of Milvian Bridge that took place in 312 AD." I say with enthusiasm.

After my explanation, some of the students spotted an old telescope and were asking for money to use it. I ended up taking off my wallet and gave 1€ to each of them. My jeans pockets were so tight I ended up putting my wallet on my coat, they were larger and had more space.  

We walked a bit and I was already preparing myself for the next Arch. My favorite from this location, in fact. 

"I present you: The Arch of Titus." we all look up to watch this greatness ruin. "The Arch of Titus was built from the initiative of the Roman Emperor Domitian who wanted to commemorate the victories of his elder brother, Emperor Titus. The arch was inaugurated soon after Titus' death, in 81 AD." 

The sight was amazing. I remember I stopped and breezed all in. Like my eyes were a camera and my head the memory card. I remember I felt like I was travelling back in time just by talking about the ruins and seeing them in real life. 

Little did I know how ironic that feeling would be later that day.  

We started walking again, I kept talking a bout about how the Empire lived and what were their costumes and manners. Theorical stuff, not so revelant to pass time but a way to prevent my students from distracting themselves. 

After a while, we finally arrived to the next Arch. The Arch of Janus or Arcus Constantini.

"This arch is different and unique because it has four faces, a design featured which is known as "Quadrifrons". The Arch of Janus dates back to the 4th century AD and it was built with brick and marble. It is believed that it was dedicated to the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, and that's why it is also named the Arcus Constantini. I accept both on the test from next week."

"There's a test?!" Robert shouts.

"Oh yeah! And you failed already by the looks of it!" I yelled back imitating his voice, and everyone ends up laughing.

This day was really warm. I ended up taking off my coat in order to stop sweating so much and placed it in my right arm.

We walked through the Colosseum a bit more, amused at the sights. Everyone seemed fullfilled, and so was I. One of my dreams came true. Visiting the ruins of the so long gone Roman Empire. 

"Sir, look!" 

Before I could turn to whoever called me, I felt a little cold in my belly. My breathing became irregular involuntarily. I felt strange. 

And despite all the signals, all the warnings, I still turned. 

I still chose that path. Or was it my destiny all along?


"Look, it still has water after all this time!" Alex says, pointing towards a well in the distance, a very old one, in ruins, just like everything else around here. I approached it and looked inside, seeing a clear water below. 

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