Getting a Record Deal

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It has been a month since I went on tour with R5 and performed in front of people for the first time.

I have been hanging out with R5, Jackie, my brothers and Jackie's brothers a lot. My brothers and I have played the new C.O.D game. We love it. My brother and I also went to our mom and dad's grave and put fresh flowers. We knew they were in a place together, but all of us miss him so much.

Today, R5 got me a meeting with their record company and I might get a record deal too. I'm so glad.

I got up and took a shower and I decided I needed to dye my hair again, but I got ready first:

After I got ready, I went downstairs and saw Alex, Luke and Will all playing C.O.D. Ghosts.

"Hey, you guys want to come to my meeting at Hollywood Records, with me?" I asked them. They nodded and I told them to go get dressed. They ran upstairs and on five minutes were back downstairs.

"Okay let's go." I got my car keys and we drove to the address Ross gave me. On the way to Hollywood Records we were listening R5. My brothers didn't care, they loved R5 and their songs. We arrived to Hollywood Records and went to the front desk, "Hi, I'm here to see R5's producer, Kevin (I don't know their producer's name)?" I asked the lady at the front desk.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked.

"Yes, Jade Elizabeth Ashwood?" I told her.

"Ah yes, Ross set up the meeting. Just go down the hall and the last door on your right." I thanked her and then told me brothers.

We walked down the hallway and got to the door where Kevin works. I knocked on the door and my brothers and I heard a faint voice say, "Come in." We opened the door and there was Kevin and R5.

"Well you must be Jade, I'm Kevin." Kevin got up and shook my hand.

"Yes I am, and these are my three younger brothers, Alex, Luke and Will." I pointed to each of them as I said their names.

"Well it's nice to meet all of you. Should we get started on talking about a possible record deal?"

"Sure." I sat down and we began talking.

After a while, Kevin asked me if I would want to record a song and see how it sounds and feels to be in a recording studio. I agreed and went into a little tiny room and put headphones on. I gave Kevin the thumbs up and starting singing Mean Girls.

When I was done singing, I walked out and everyone was clapping, "That was amazing. Would you like to sign with Hollywood Record and be the next big star?" Kevin asked me.

"Totally." I said.

"Great we just need a parent to sign some paperwork and you are good to go." that's what hit me and my brothers hard.

"Um actually, both our parents died. My mom died many years ago and my dad died only 6 months ago." I told him.

"I'm so sorry Jade. I didn't know."

"It's fine." I said.

"Okay, well we still need a parent's signature." Kevin said.

"Stormie or Mark could sign it maybe? If that's okay" I suggested.

"I am sure we could make arrangements for that." he said.

"Thank you." I said.

I called Stormie and told her everything. She agreed right off the bat and said she would be right over.

As we waited for Stormie, Kevin had me start recording another song. My brothers were fully mesmerized with everything that was going on.

Stormie finally arrived and signed the papers for me, even though I am eighteen, they still needed a person over 21 to sign. Then Stormie said that we can go over to her house and celebrate.

After the meeting with Kevin, Alex, Luke, Will and I got into my car and drove over the the Lynch's house. Once we got there, we played games: Apples to Apples, Truth or Dare, Catch Phrase, and Gestures. We had an awesome time and I loved that I had another family that would do anything for me and my brothers. 

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