Family Reunion

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    Today is our yearly family reunion with everybody. I got up and went downstairs to see everyone already up and eating breakfast.

"Well looks like I don't have to get everyone up this morning." I said as I sat down next to Ross and began to eat.

"I thought you needed a morning just to do your things you need to do before we go see the family." Ross said.

"Well thank you. Now when you are all down eating go upstairs and get ready." I said.


When we all finished breakfast, we went upstairs and got ready. I helped Macey and Marisa with their hair, because they want to dye their hair like I have mine. So that's what I did, then I got myself ready.

Once we were all done getting ready, we had a little time before we needed to leave, so we let the kids do whatever they wanted to do. Ross and I were sitting outside, when all of our kids came over to us, "Mom, Dad can you guys tell us how you met. You have never told any of us." Mason said.

Ross and I looked at each other and then smiled, "Sure." Ross said and then we started telling them the story.


When we were all done, I looked at the clock and it was already 6:00 o'clock. I nudged Jackie and pointed to the clock.

"We have to get going." she said. We ran downstairs and Jackie told her parents that it's time to go.

Jackie and I walked out to her mom's car and waited for her mo to come. After like thirty minutes, her mom finally came out.

"So you girls ready for the concert?" Jackie's mom asked us as she started driving.

"Totally, I'm so excited to see R5 in concert for the first time ever." I said.

"Me either. We will have the best time ever!!!!!" Jackie told me and gave me a side hug.

Finally for what seemed like forever, we made it to the arena. We thanked Jackie's mom and got into the VIP line. I took out my phone to check to time. The meet and greet is going to start in about ten minutes. I'm so excited to meet Ross, Rydel, Rocky Riker and Ratliff. Rydel is my idol (that's why I'm wearing a tutu and a hello kitty shirt.)

After ten minutes went by, the doors finally opened. Jackie and I were closer to R5 by the second. We finally got to take a picture with them and meet them.

"Hello girls, where are you from?" Ratliff asked Jackie and I.

"Born in Littleton, Colorado, but live in L.A.." I exclaimed.

"We have some Coloradans in the house." Ross and Riker said.

Jackie and I took pictures with them (it went left to right: Ross, me, Rydel, Rocky, Jackie, Ratliff, and Riker.)

After the pictures R5 signed our posters and Rydel complimented me on my outfit. When Jackie and went to the concert area, I looked at my poster. Under Ross and Riker's name was their numbers. I screamed and showed Jackie. She showed me that Rocky put his number under his name. We were so happy.

The concert started and Jackie and I sang every song. At the end when Rocky, Ross, and Riker were throwing out their picks, I got four of them. I was so happy.

This was the best birthday present ever and I would forget it. When I have kids I will make sure they get to a concert for one of their birthdays of a band or singer that they like.

End of Flashback

"Wow, so you used to be in a band, daddy?" Macey asked.

"I sure was with Uncle Riker, Uncle, Rocky, and Aunt Rydel. One of our friends Ellington Ratliff was the drummer." Ross said.

"Oh yeah, I remember Ratliff." Mark said and Mason nodded in agreement.

"Yes Ratliff," I looked at the outdoor clock, "Well we better get going. We don't want to be late." I said as I hussled all of the kids into the car.

We got to the park and saw everyone already there and we were not late either. We got out of the car and all of the kids ran over to the playground where the rest of the kids are. Ross and I walked over to all of the adults.

"There you guys are." Rydel said.

"Hey." Ross and I hugged everyone. Then we started talking with everyone.

A little while later, Mason, Mark, Kelsey and Cole all came up to us, "Mom, Dad, Uncle Rocky, Aunt Jackie, Aunt Melissa and Uncle Riker can we speak to all of you." Mason asked.

We all got up and walked over away from everyone, so the kids can talk to us, "What's up?" Riker asked.

"Well all of us were talking and since you, Dad, Uncle Rocky and Uncle Riker were all in a band, we want to make our own band." Mark said.

"Well it take time, money and responsibility to become a singer, let alone a band." I told them.

"How do you know about all of those things, Aunt Jade?" Kelsey asks.

"We'll soon after I met the Lynch's, I became a singer and Jackie was one too." I told the kids.

"Really?" all of the kids gasped.

"Yup, so who wants to start a band." Jackie exclaimed and all of the kids screamed in agreement.

"Well first off, what instrument so you guys want to play?" Rocky asked them.

"I want to play bass." Cole says.

"I want to play guitar and sing." Kelsey said.

"Drums." Mark said.

"Second guitar." Mason said.

"Okay, well how about tomorrow you all come over to our house and we can start with the basics and she what we can do." I said. The kids went off to probably plan a name for the band and other things.

This is the start of something big. Everything that has happened up to this moment is what I have been waiting for. Something tells me that this is only the beginning of the best life ever. 

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