Getting all of the girls settled in

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"Okay the last one is buckled in her car seat. Are you girls ready to go and see your new home?" he asks all of the girls

All the girls cheer

"You have a two year old sister named Genievre who can't wait to meet you all" he says as he starts heading towards his house

All of the girls looked out the window

"Logie did you decide on a name for the second baby?" Erin asks him

"Yeah her name is going to be Mackenna" he says as he continues to drive towards the house

For the new members who didn't have a name Logan alternated between earth, wind, fire, and air names for all of the girls

"It's okay Emily mommy has you" Erin says as she gets the baby out of her car seat to hold her

Erin hums a soft tune, and Emily is out like a light

"Erin you will make a great mom to our girls" he says as they continue to head home

"I know i will" Erin says as she puts Emily back in her car seat

"Genievre is going to be surprised when she sees the other two year olds" he says as he keeps driving

"Heaven are you okay sweetie?" Erin asks when she looks back and sees her shaking

Erin got her out and holds her to see if that stops her shaking

"It's okay sweetie want to come up front with daddy?" she asks her

Heaven nods

"Come on then" Erin says as she takes Heaven to the front of the bus

"Hi Heaven what's the matter huh?" he asks her

"I want you daddy" she tells him

"You got him" he says as he holds her and tries to drives the rest of the way home

The others loved the view


"Okay girls we're here" he says driving up to the house

All of the girls eyes go big when they see the house

'Are we going to live here?" Brooke asks from her car seat

"Yes princess welcome to your new home" he says as he parks the bus, so him and Erin could get all of the girls off the bus and bring them into the house, so they could see the other girls

All of the girls couldn't wait to get inside and see their rooms or who they will be rooming with. Once the girls got inside the house they couldn't believe how big the house was

"OKay if all of the one year olds could follow me" he tells the one year old after he separated them all

All of the one year old that he had follow him to where Aleeah and Aubree were at in their room

"Allie, Aubree would you two like to meet your room mates?" he asks sticking his head in the room

"Ya daddy" they say happily as they run to him

Soon Logan brings in four one year olds into the room, and Allie and Aubree were a little scared of their room mates

"Girls it's your friends from the orphanage" he tells them

Aleeah and Aubree hid under their cribs

"Give them time and they will adjust to you" he tells the four girls

All four nod and start to play with the toys that were in the room

"Okay all my two year olds come up please?" he asks sticking his head out from the upstairs step

Six two year olds run up to him

"Genievre, Mazy are you guys ready for your room mates?" he asks sticking his head into the room

"Yes daddy" they both say

The six two year olds loved seeing Mazy again, and started to get to know Genievre a little bit

"How did they take it?" Erin asks him

"They are up there getting to know each other" he says as he grabs the three year olds and four year olds and take them up to their rooms beofre coming back down and getting the babies

Logan and Erin put Emily and Mackenna in their room

"Girls you will have a good life here i promise you" he says as he tucks each of the girls in the crib

Emily and Mackenna were snuggled together like best friends even though they are sisters

"Now what?" Erin asks Logan

"Maybe me and you can have some time to ourselves while the girls explore their rooms

"I thought you never ask" she says as they head for the master to get their love on


"Okay girls would you guys like to see the backyard?" he asks them

"Ya" all of the girls say

"Out here is the ultimate backyard that you girls will love" he says opening the door for all the girls to run outside and play

All of the girls saw the ultimate playground and headed there, and the one year olds asked Logan and Erin if they could push them in the swing since they were afraid of being trampled on

"Sure come on me and mommy will push you" he tells them

"I think you should make a separate playground for the younger kids" Erin suggest

"Yeah that way they could have fun too" he tells her

All of the girls loved playing in the huge backyard. The four year old played in the playhouses that Logan built for all of them

"Daddy will we get a playhouse too?" the two and three year olds ask him

"Yeah my plan is to build a neighborhood with a sidewalk, and a mini road, so you guys can drive your ride-on's he tells them

After being outside for two hours Logan decided to grill out, and the family could have a picnic outside for everyone's first night home


Logan and Erin kissed and tucked in each of the girls, so they would feel special, and told them that if they felt scared their door was always open

"Night Emily, Night Mackenna we love you" Logan and Erin say as they tuck the babies in for their first night in their new home

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