Thanksgiving in the hospital

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Erin didn't think she was going to be in the hospital for Thanksgiving, but her doctor's wanted to monitor her for complications cause she had a home birth without any assistance from a doula or a nurse

"Logan this stinks I want to be home with our girls" Erin tells him

"I have them bringing Thanksgiving to you cause I have the guys help them bring take-out here, so we can enjoy it as a family" he says as he brings her a wheelchair, so they could go down and see the babies

"That is so sweet of them I can't wait to see Genievre again cause I miss her like crazy" Erin says as they head to the NICU to see Ramona and Hortense cause Erin was going nuts cause she didn't hear anything at all since they were brought in

"She misses you the most" he says as they continue to head to the NICU

"I miss her too" Erin says as she looks out the window as they cross the bridge to go to the NICU

Logan tells the nurses that they are here to see Ramona and Hortense Henderson

"How are they?" Erin asks as they head to Ramona room

"Ramona is on the fence right now, and Hortense isn't doing so good, so I'm going to hold off on showing you our little boy" he tells her as they continue to head to Ramona room

"I want to hold my little girl" Erin tells him

"I know you do, and I already held her, but I had to put her back in her back in her incubator" he says as he continues to push Erin towards where Ramona was

Erin was blown away when she saw Ramona in her incubator and hooked up to so many wires

"Remember Erin without all of those wires she is still our little girl" he tells her

Logan pushes Erin towards Ramona

"Hi Ramona happy Thanksgiving baby girl" Erin tells the baby that was wide awake in her incubator

Ramona lets out a cute little yawn

"Oh you sleepy huh?" Erin asks her

One of the nurses gets Ramona out, so Erin could hold her

"Come here little one" Erin says reaching her arms out for her little girl

Ramona snuggled back into mommy arms

"Are you going to sleep huh are you going to try?" Erin asks her daughter as Ramona closes her pretty eyes as mommy rocks her in her arms

Ramona falls asleep in mommy arms

"Ah night sweet girl I love you" she tells the little baby that was fast asleep in her arms

Logan takes Erin to see Hortense. Erin couldn't bare to go in to see her little boy, so Logan took her back to the room

"We can wait awhile before we go down to see Hortense again" Logan tells her

"I want Genievre here right now" Erin tells him

"I'll see if one of the guys can bring her here" he says to her

Genievre came to see mommy and daddy a couple of minutes later

"Where are the other girl?" Logan asks Kendall

"Some rich people came to the orphanage and wanted them, and they were willing to pay top dollar to have them join their family. The girls put up quite a fight, and the only girl you have is Genievre" James tells him

That broke Erin heart that she lost the remainder of the girls

"Can this day get any worst?" Erin asks

"You still have me mommy" Genievre says to Erin

"And you will always have us" Logan says as they hug it out

Kendall goes and gets dinner for the family while they had family time just the three of them

"Ginny are you okay?" Logan asks his daughter

She shakes her head no

"Mommy will try to get your sisters back for you cause i belirve you really miss them" Erin says as she hugs Ginny close to her

"Daddy will do everything in his power to get them back" he says as he hugs her

"How about we take you down to see your little sister" Erin suggest to the two year old that she had in her arms at the moment

"Would you like to go down and see Ramona?" he asks their daughter

Ginny nods her head

"Come on then" he says as he picks up up

"I'm going to take a short nap" Erin tells him

"Okay me and Ginny will be right back" he says as he gives her a kiss

"I'll see if they will let you in to see your baby sister and your baby brother" he says as they cross the dride that connected the maternity part of the hospital to the infant/newborn/baby part of the hospital was

Logan asks her if she had fun with her Uncles, and she told him what all she did with her Uncles

"It sounds like you guys had a fun time together" Logan says as they reach the NICU

Logan asks the nurses if Ginny could come in to see her sister and her brother, and they let her since it was Thanksgiving, but she had to wear a gown when she saw her baby sister and brother

"We are going to see Ramona cause she would like some cheering up cause she isn't feeling too well" he says as he puts her gown on her

Logan put Ginny down and they walked together to see Ramona and wish her a happy Thanksgiving

(Much later)

"Daddy why is baby brother sicker then baby sister?" Ramona asks after they left the NICU after she started to cry when she saw her baby brother hooked up to all of those wires

"He is smaller then your baby sister, and he is going to be able to come home, so he can get to know you like Ramona going to do when she comes home from the hospital in a few weeks" he says as they head back to Erin's room

"How she do?" Erin asks when Logan and Ginny returned from the NICU

"She was alright when we saw Ramona, but then when she saw Hortense she broke down and lost it" he says as he gets out dinner that Kendall brought for the three of them

"Oh my poor baby maybe once we get out we can go to the zoo just the three of us since the others are out of the picture" Erin says as she feeds Ginny

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