More fun with Lottie and the other birthday girls

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"Where do you think that your uncles have in store for you next sweet girl?" He asks her

"I hope we go someplace fun" Lottie says happily

"I believe you are right cause we have arrived at adventure fun land" he says as the limo pulls up to a huge building

Lottie was excited to go in to see what was inside the building

"Hang on sweet girl lets wait for mommy Erin" he says when they get out of the limo and enter the building

Lottie wanted to go right that minute

"I know you are excited sweetie but since mommy is pregnant she takes s little longer" he tells her

Once they were inside the building Lottie's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree

"It looks like it's s mix of an amusement park, trampoline zone, play ground, and an indoor adventure place" he says once they were inside

"Lottie where do you want to go first birthday girl?" Erin asks her

Lottie had to think very carefully cause she wanted to do everything at once and they couldn't stay there long

"I'm going to see if James can move the party here" Logan says leaving

"I want to jump on the trampolines cause they look fun" Lottie says to Erin

"Okay we can head that way" Erin tells the little girl Lottie was excited to jump her little heart out

"Are you going to jump too mommy?" Lottie asks her

"No sweetie I'm going to watch you jump" Erin tells her

Lottie had fun jumping on the trampolines where she did all sorts of flips that she was learning from daddy

"It looks like daddy is teaching you his secrets" Erin says when she sees Lottie jump and have a good time


"James has the party here, so we have to find it" Logan says after he gets off the phone with James

"At least that's good go out there and jump with your daughter" Erin tells him

"Yeah I better cause it looks like she wants someone to jump with" he says as he heads out there to jump with Lottie

"Don't worry baby girl you will get your special time with daddy you can count on it" Erin tells her baby bump as she continues to watch Logan and Lottie have fun on their birthday

Erin decides to go see where James has the party at

"Erin you look different" Kendall says when he sees her

"That's because I'm pregnant with mine an Logan first child" she says as she rubs her baby bump

"Congratulations Erin" Kendall says as he hugs her

"I see we are celebrating more the the two birthdays" she says when she sees the huge banner

"Yeah we are celebrating one of one year old, one of the three year olds and one of the four year olds" Carlos says to her

"I hope they are not on the same day" she says as she sits down

"No they are a day apart, so it was easier to combine all of the birthdays into one big party" James tells her

"That makes sense" she tells him

"How far along are you Erin?" Kendall asks her

"I'm four months along" she tells him

Erin decided to go back to where Logan and Lottie was

"I'm going to adventure zone next mommy" Lottie tells her

"Oh I might join you" Erin tells her as they head there

Logan was surprised when he saw the other girls there

"Hi daddy" Noelle says when she saw daddy

"Hi sweetie are you having a good birthday?" He asks as he approaches her

Noelle nods

"Noelle how old are you going to be?" Erin asks her

Noelle holds up two fingers

"Yes Noelle you are going to be two in a few days" he says as he hugs her tight

"Daddy look what I won" Oriana says as she holds her stuffed animal so he could see it

"Did you get one for your other twenty three sisters?" He asks her

Oriana nods

"Good girl" he says as he hugs her

"How old are you Oriana?" Erin asks her

"I'm going to be five" Oriana says happily

"That's a pretty big number" Erin tells her

"That's a whole hand mommy" Oriana says as she holds up her whole hand

Soom Rowan comes over

"Hi Rowan are you have fun too?" he asks her

Rowan nods

"Rowan how old are you going to be?" Erin asks her

Rowan holds up four fingers

"Noelle, Oriana, Rowan would you guys like to hang around with us since your sisters are hanging out with the other cast members?" he asks them

Noelle and Rowan was excited to be with Lottie cause they loved her a lot and they missed her like crazy since she was around daddy all morning

"Oriana are you coming too?" he asks her

Oriana loved spending time with daddy cause she loved him like how the other girls do

"It looks like James reserved this whole place just for us cause i see the other girls running around" he says when he sees the other girls having fun and having a good time

"Yeah it looks like it" Erin says as they head for the kiddy rides cause Lottie wanted to ride them

Since all of the girls wanted to be with daddy, so Logan had to go each ride four or six times cause they needed an adult riding with each of the children that were on board


Most of the girls were getting sleepy, so the entire group went to the rest area to rest up cause everyone was having fun and a good time that they decided down time was ordered before there was a major meltdown

"I can't believe all twenty girls fell asleep" Logan says as he holds one of the babies in his arms

"Yeah let's enjoy the silence cause it may never come again" Erin says as she goes and lays down

Logan laid the babies down cause they were falling asleep from all of the excitement

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