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Pov- Katsuki Bakugou
It was early in the morning and I just woke up to the alarm going off. I yawned and stretched as I sat up on my bed. I looked out the window then at the time '4:20 am'..
'It's too fucking early..' the blonde thought to himself before getting up and making his way to his closet. It was a walk-in closet-
The living bomb thought about what happened yesterday..

+*~ Katsuki's Mind ~*+

'Feel like I'm destined
I don't need no Smith & Wesson, no
Girl, who you testin'?
Fuck a Scantron, here's your les—' Bakugou picked up his phone. "The fuck you want nerd." Bakugou's voice was scratchy- almost like he just woke up. But it was late noon- was he sleeping?

"H..hey Kacchan!-" Said a soft voice. Surprised surprised it was Izuku! The green haired boy was honestly surprised that the living bomb picked up. He thought Bakugou would ignore his call like always.

"What the hell do you need.." Said the same scratchy voice.

"Well you see..— I and Kirishima found an old abandoned church with a broken down house next to it!- we were wondering if you wanted to come explore it with us?.." From Izuku's voice it was very clear he was excited yet scared.

"Kirishima is gonna be there, right?."

"Yup!- Please Kacchan- it'll be fun!"

"Fine.." Katsuki sighed and hung up.

+*~Back To Irl~*+
He sighed and grabbed some ripped jeans, a white shirt, a black hoodie that had 'die' written on the back of it, and some socks. He got dressed and sighed. He looked out the window to see Deku and Kirishima waiting there. The living bomb slowly made his way down the stairs. He didn't have to worry about being quiet- his parents were out of town so he was basically home alone for a month or two. Katsuki put on some black sneakers and grabbed a flashlight. Izuku and Kirishima convince Bakugou on staying the night with them at the broken down house. Deku was the one bring 'snacks' and a 'first aid kit' just to be safe. Kirishima was bringing sleeping bags- the both told Katsuki not to bring anything, he was gonna be their protection.

"Ayyye BakuBro!" Said the red-haired joyfully as he did a handshake with Bakugou that they came up with.

"Hey Shitty Hair.." he rolled his eyes as they did the handshake.

Izuku just waved- and to his surprise, Bakugou waved back-

"L.. let's get going!" Said the green-haired boy as he began to walk. Kirishima nodded and started to follow. The blonde followed behind them.

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