warm breath

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The blonde's face started to burn up. He felt like he couldn't move- like he was frozen in place as the vampire was only a few inches away from his face. katsuki couldn't tell what he was going to do next, usually, he can read people pretty easily but not this time. katsuki could feel todoroki's breath. it was hot.. unlike the rest of him. the vampire leaned down and gently pressed his lips against bakugou's neck. just as he opened his mouth the large bedroom door swung open. 

There stood a woman. She had long white hair that fell ever so softly on her shoulders and down her back. She was dressed in a dark, blood-red dress. It hugged her chest and arms, soft ruffles at the ends of the sleeves. The dress's skirt was long and flowy, the way she walked looked so elegant. so graceful. 

" Shoto. Why is there a living here.. " when she spoke her voice was emotionless? yet something about it was comforting. It was so soft and calm, Katsuki froze. All of a sudden everything came running back to him. The position he was in, the other against his neck, his face red, shaking, his hands holding the half n' half's shirt. The blonde pulled away as fast as he could, knocking himself back a bit.

"I got hungry, mother .." the half n' half spoke out, his tone matched hers. 

"We have fresh animal blood, your brother just brought some. I told you not to go out at this time of day. Stay where you belong." with that she shut the door. Rei's sighed, she hasn't been the same lately. 

Todoroki let out a sign before he looked over at the blonde. 

Soft, almost silent footsteps approached bakugou. "katsuki.. come here." Bakugou got up. he couldn't disobey, something in him didn't let him do so. He felt a pair of cold arms wrap around his body, a small shiver went down his spine. "fuck- you moron-" he groaned as the other leaned down to his neck. 

"bakugou.. fuck. you smell so good..~" todorokie opened his mouth once more, his hot breath hitting katsukis neck. His warm tongue gently touched the others pale skin, his teeth soon after. They pressed against the blonde's neck.  

the blonde gripped onto the vampires shoulders, growling. "fuck off-" he shivered as he felt the others tongue. But soon the warm feeling was gone. he felt the others large hands ruffle his hair, causing the other to realise a purr. "youre so fucking annoying." snapped the blonde before grabbing the half n' half's hand. "dont tease, moron." he glared before pulling back completely from the vampire. this cause todoroki to chuckle. he wrapped his arms around the others wasit from the back and pulled him close, "no fun, blondie.." katsuki groaned, he could feel the blood rush to his face again as the others hold hands slipped under his shirt. "fuck- you moron- i swear to shit il-" before katsuki could say anything he was cut off by the warm breath againts his ear. "shoto-" 

The vampire froze. he pulled away from the blonde entierly, "thats enough now.." katsuki noticed how todoroki was covering his face. he didnt say anything about it, he wasnt going to but he did let out a slight chuckle. "whatever.." 

" im going for a bit. get dressed in your nightwear." 

" hurry up and leave.."

to be continued 

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