'i indeed rule over them..~'

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hey hey hey- sorry for dying again and never posting this chapter. i'm so glad so many ppl like this story! i do as well so i'm officially continuing it now!
thank you for everyone love and support 💕💗


The tall, slim vampire covered his face a bit with his arm. "now.. let's go. it's getting quite late for someone of your kind." Todorokis voice was deep yet had a soft feeling to it. it was driving bakugou mad. everything about this guy was perfect, his cold, lifeless skin, his red rudy eyes, and his soft.. pink lips..- bakugou froze as he thought those things.
he cursed at himself under his breath as he followed the vampire he's was going to be stuck with. todoroki led bakugou up a large, grand staircase which led to a hallway. the hall was long and dark, it had many rooms long side of it.
todoroki carefully took a candle off the wall for light. he made sure not to spill any on the dark red carpet that's been laying there for years and years. the tall vampire looked down at the angry blonde, "don't get lost." he teased. Bakugou didn't quite understand if he was being challenged or teased- either way he didn't like it. "shut it peppermint." he kinda snapped at him. todoroki just simply chuckled, he loved katsukis energy.
soon enough the two got to a large room at the end of the hall. the doors were slowly opened by the tall. with the snap of todorokis fingers all the candles were light up and the room was bright.
there was large bookshelf, a huge bed with dark red silk curtains over it, tied up nicely at the bed frames edges. the room looked like something a king would live in. it was just over all beautiful.
bakugou has always admired things like this- he found them amazing.. he also found shoto amazing.
"alright then, katsuki. i shall give you some night wear. you'll be staying with me here or else the living dead might come for you..~" the red and white haired male teased him and chuckled. bakugou kinda froze- 'other beings in this huge castle.. GAH THAT MAKES SENSE- does.. that mean this peppermint fucker is their king or something.. if so i got lucky in a way.' bakugou just thought to himself.
todoroki slowly held bakugous chin and made him look up at him, "i indeed rule over them..~" he said, his face only a few inches away from the blondes.
bakugou was turning red- he just froze he didn't expect the other to be there all of a sudden- he ccouldnt push away, something was stopping him.
"you, mortal, for sure did get.. 'lucky'..~" the vampire leaned in closer. . .

[ to be continued ]

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