The Forest

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Pov- Kirishima
The red haired boy had a smile on his face. He was extremely excited that his boyfriend and his best friend were gonna be there with him on this adventure- Kirishima actually brought holy water with him.. just to be safe- he did believe in ghost and demons and so did Izuku. But Katsuki. Didn't- he thought it was some stupid shit made up to scare kids

"Bros we're almost there!" He said with a wide smile


"Bros we're almost there!" Said the red haired loser. He groaned and stretched slightly "isn't this 'scary' shit supposed to happen at three am?." He said sorta annoyed.

"It is-" kirishima replied "Deku was to scared to go at three am-"

Katsuki laughed "fuckin' pussy.." Deku didn't change at all apparently. Still a coward. To Katsuki at least- in Kirishima's eyes Deku was fuckin' perfect. I watched Deku hug Kirishima's arm and I rolled my eyes 'damn loser..' he thought to himself. He knew Kirishima loved him and as long as Kiri was happy he was happy... happy-ish.

All three of us eventually got to the broken down house "can we go explore the church tomorrow?.."


We finally got to the house. I still hugged my boyfriends arm. "Can we go explore tomorrow?.." I asked clearly nervous and scared-

"Sure! Anyway I think all of us are sleepy or tired at least-" Said kirishima gently

"Yeah tired of this bullshit.." Kacchan mumbled loud enough for us to hear-

I sigh and smile slightly trying to hide my fear and worry. "Let's get set- it's like camping I think so it won't be to hard-"

//let's do a fucking Time Skip cause I'm lazy af :') anyway all of them are in the sleeping bags asleep. Deku is sleeping close to Kiri surprise surprise- Bakugou actually still isn't fully asleep he's having trouble sleeping.//

It was around 5:17 am- and the blonde still couldn't sleep. He was honestly sorta nervous 'why the fuck did I agree to this..' he thought as he stared at the broken ceiling then sighed and closed his eyes slightly.


Katsuki was caught off guard when he heard a crash from upstairs. A shiver ran down his spine. The living bomb sat up and looked around before grabbing his flashlight and getting up. (I'm sorry I suck at the 'pov') I started to walk to the old stairs that look like they're about to break. I start to get nervous, I tried to take a few deep breaths before I slowly and carefully went up the stairs- I sighed in relief. But a few moments after I saw something?- no someone?!-

'Who the fuck..-'

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