What the..

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Bakugou shined his light and saw a tall figure.. it hissed at him then quickly disappeared. The living bomb's heart dropped. He looked around scared as ever. 'Shit.. I should just go back- why the fuck am I even here— I COULDVE STAYED IN THE DAMN BAG BUT N-' Bakugou froze once he felt a pair of cold hands grab his arm. The blonde screamed but his mouth was quickly covered.

"Shut up.."

Said the tall finger- he slowly uncovered Bakugou's mouth hoping he won't scream. "Who the fu—" Bakugou was cut off once more. "I'll tell you later." Said the tall figure. 'His voice is nice.. and calming.. WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING- I DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHAT THIS IS- COULD BE A DAMN KILLER-' Bakugou shook his head "tell me now-" he growled. Bakugou flashed the light in the tall figures face. He saw a half red and half white haired male with.. a scar? But he quickly moved away from the flashlight hissing. The half 'n half HATED any light in his eyes. Shoto quickly took the flashlight, he grabbed Bakugou's hand and picked him up 'Princess style'.

"Don't move unless you wanna fall."

Katsuki was gripping into the half 'n half's shoulders tightly and did as told.

//FOR MY SAKE LETS DO ANOTHER TIME SKIP- ;-; now they are at Shoto's castle because I feel like it :)://

Todoroki pov:
I gently put the living bomb down. He still had a strong grip on my shoulders even though he was standing- was he that scared? Am I really that much of a monster?..
"Ahem.." I said as I looked down at him. He quickly let go of me and I grabbed his hand gently before I started walking but he stopped me.
"Where the fuck am I?- and who the fuck are you?- WHY AM I HERE?!-" he pulled his hand back.
"Ah yes.. sorry forgot." I sighed and cleared my throat a bit. "I'm Shoto Todoroki. And you're in my home. I had to bring you here due to you seeing me-"
Now that they were in a light room Bakugou could fully see him. Shoto was very pale and tall?- no- he was taller then katsuki but not to tall. I sigh once more. Bakugou didn't understand why he was here. "Your point? Are you saying you're some rich ass stalker?"
"Then tf are you-"
The half 'n half opened his mouth to reveal his fangs. Bakugou froze- he backed away a bit. "Sweet mother of.." Shoto mumbled
"Now come along.. I'll put you in a room." I said grabbing Bakugous wrist.

Bakugou pov:

I felt his cold hand grab my wrist. 'Is this guy really a fuckin vampire.. I ain't messing with this shit.' He started to walk. I followed behind still feeling hella scared. 'Why bring me here- it's not like ima tell anyone-'
I followed Todoroki down a long hallway and up some stairs. The hallway had paintings for people looking things. The stairs were big and long. By the time we reached the top I was tired but I continued to follow him. "Are there any people here?." "Dead ones, yes."
I gulped once I heard that and instantly became more scared. 'why the fuck am I acting like this-.. I..I'm not a pussy- I should be scared!-' we eventually got to a room. It was pretty big- it had a closet, a large mirror, a very large bed and a large window. It actually also had a fireplace and a soft rung in front of it. "Your room." Shoto Said and let go of my hand. He started to walk out the door but I grabbed his wrist. Honestly I didn't know what other man-eating monsters were here. I wasn't staying all alone here.. but ew.. I have to ask him to stay.. LORD SEND FUCKIN HELP.
"Stop freaking out so much. Nothing is going to happen to you and if you want to badly I'll stay here with you."
"How the-"
"I have my ways." He looked down at me and I shivered slightly 'creep..'

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