Chapter 4

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"Alright lets start with Jeonghan," (y/n) said, pointing at the blonde haired male as he grinned in triumph. He wanted to be first, because his question was, in his opinion, the easiest question.

"How old are you?" he asked, everyone looking at (y/n) patiently.

"I'm 21, born in 1997," she responded, causing some of the boys to cheer and others, especially Chan, to groan. Turns out that she was older than Minghao, but younger than Mingyu. (Y/n) laughed at Chans grumbling, him not being happy about still being the youngest.

"Alright now,  Vernon, you're turn," (y/n) turned to Vernon, waiting for his question.

"Are you single?" Vernon inquired, his gaze piercing as he watched her face turn a light shade of pink. Some of the boys chastised Vernon for the question, while others wanted to know the same thing.

"Yes I am. Zico wouldn't let guys near me when we were teenagers, except for his gang," (y/n) replied, thinking back to when Zico would chase away boys, because he wanted his little sister to stay safe.

"Jihoon, you next," (y/n) said, motioning for the shorter boy to speak. He thought for a moment before speaking, unsure about his question.

"I'm going to ask the same question that I did at dinner, but you don't have to answer if you don't want to. Why are you here with us when you have more than enough security at home?" Jihoon asked, not sure how (y/n) would react to his question again. She just sighed and leaned forward, her head resting in her hands.

"It's alright, and yes you guys should know anyways. Let me ask you this first: you guys know who Exo is right?" (Y/n) asked, looking at all the boys, but stopping at Seungcheol, since he was nodding his head.

"Yes we do, why?" Seungcheol was curious as to what Exo would have to do with anything in her story.

"They're the reason why I can't stay at my house by myself. They can get in, they've done it before," (y/n) confessed, looking down at the floor before looking up and continuing the story.


"Baekhyun-oppa, hurry up! We're going to be late!" (Y/n) yelled, running to the car with Baekhyun on her heels. The rest of Exo already in the car waiting for them. Quickly sitting between Kai and Chanyeol, (y/n) buckled her seatbelt as Chen closed the door. The car sped off towards Exo's mansion, because they had to set up for a big party.

"Why are you two always late?" Suho asked, laughing as (y/n) glared playfully at Baekhyun.

"It's not my fault, I was waiting for him," (y/n) said, Baekhyun turning to her, eyes widening at the fact that she rated him out. The rest of Exo just laughed along with (y/n) as Baekhyun pouted to himself.

"Whatever, you guys are here now, so that's fine," Jongin said, putting his arm around (y/n)'s shoulder, earning a few glares from the other members around him. He just rolled his eyes and held her closer. He was prepared for tonight, since tonight was his birthday party. He had decided that he was going to ask Zico if he could date (y/n), knowing full well that if he didn't Zico would find a way to kill him. The rest of the boys knew it too, and even though they were jealous, they knew they couldn't stand between Kai and the girl he wanted to be with.

"Now to talk planning. (Y/n), you and the beagle line are on decorating. Sehun and Kyungsoo, you two talk to the caterers and help them. The rest of us are staying with Kai so that he doesn't go downstairs before the party starts," Suho announced, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and (y/n) sharing high fives, since they almost never get to work together. Kai grumbled to himself about not being able to help before sighing and nodding along with the others.

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