Chapter 18

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(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open and she tried to take in her surroundings, however, the room she was in was quite dark. She tried to get up but quickly realized that her hands were bound to the bed she was laying on. She tried to open her mouth but quickly realized that her mouth was covered with some type of cloth.

'Just great. Now I'm here and I have to get out. The boys are probably worried too, fantastic,' she thought. Her eyes had nearly adjusted to the lack of light when suddenly, the lights flashed on and she was blinded momentarily.

"Good morning beautiful," Kai said, walking into the room with a smile on his face. The smile reminded (y/n) of some sort of snake. There was cunning to the smile that caused (y/n) to shiver. In all her years of knowing Jongin, she had never seen him look so... unhinged. No matter how disturbed she was, she kept up her cold persona and rolled her eyes. The last thing she would do was show this man any form of fear or uncertainty. He took the cloth off of her gently, but (y/n) paid the action no attention.

"First off, where am I? Second, where are the others? And third, don't call me that," (y/n) glared at the man in front of her, which caused him to laugh. Once again (y/n) noticed how different his laugh had become, and the sound of it caused more dread to fester in her stomach.

"Listen, sweetheart, I brought you where you truly belong, with me. You're at the base with me, the others know to stay out of my way and away from you, and trust me, you'll learn to like me calling you beautiful. I'm the only way you can leave. Also, I don't enjoy all the questions you're asking. It's as if I've done something wrong.". The crazy never left his eyes. It seemed to be growing every second, like some sort of monster inside of him. (Y/n) felt her fear coming back, knowing that Kai was being serious and that he truly had no intention of letting her go, at least not without a fight.

"I know you said you don't like the questions, but I have one more if that's alright with you," (y/n) spoke calmly, making sure she didn't upset the already crazed man. He nodded, allowing her to continue. "Why did you kidnap me? This isn't like how you acted before."

At her words, Jongin paused, seemingly conflicted between answering. He walked away from where she was trapped before slowly coming back and leaning against the wall next to her bed, causing the girl to turn her neck to look at him. That was a mistake because the moment she saw the glint in his eye she knew that something bad had happened. Maybe this was why Zico never wanted her to go near him after the party. She always thought that never talking to someone again over a slap was a little bit petty.

"You see princess, your brother and I had a chat one day about you. You remember our lovely friend Hyunjin yes? And how he left so suddenly? That was because I told him you were mine, and that if he were to ever come near you that I would simply end him. So he left. Of course, your brother didn't like that very much and confronted me about it. I told him how I felt about you, how I was so desperately in love with you, and how I was willing to do anything for you and to keep you safe. I guess he didn't want to lose you because he was not impressed and told me that you and I couldn't be together. Of course, this caused a small rift between us, and that led to where we are now sweetheart. Any questions?"

(Y/n) lay frozen for a moment, processing everything Jongin had just told her. Everything made sense. Hyunjin never looked at her the same way after going out one night with Jongin, and the night he left only said goodbye before walking out the door. And Zico was always more protective whenever Jongin was there. The rest of Exo were fine, however as soon as Jongin entered the room one of his members or even he would stand next to her as if being her bodyguard. She had always found it annoying, but now she realized that Zico was right, she did need the extra protection because it seemed as though Jongin really wouldn't stop until he had her.

"Just one. Why me? You always talked about one girl that we met in school. I assumed you liked her," (y/n) replied, her heart pounding lightly in her chest as she waited for his response. Her question made him grin, causing him to look like the Cheshire cat.

"That was simply to make you jealous sweetheart. I never felt anything for that girl except revulsion since she wasn't you," he leaned closer to her ear as he spoke, his voice coming out in a low whisper at the end. Revulsion was right. That's how (y/n) feels now, feeling as though Jongin's very presence was slime and grease.

Jongin grinned even more at her lack of response. He bent forward even more, ghosting over her ear with his lips before undoing one of her arm restraints and grabbing her wrist before she could react. He then placed some form of bracelet on her wrist and undid her other restraints before backing away from her. (Y/n) rose from her bed and looked at him questioningly. 'This can't be right. There's no way he would just let her go'. 

"Try to hit me, princess," Jongin prompted, teasing her with another grin before his face went back to neutral. Confused, (y/n) swung her arm at him to hit him, but was met with an electric shock to the wrist, causing her to scream and collapse. Jongin walked up to her and knelt, his voice so close to her ear before she faded out of consciousness.

"This makes sure you'll never leave me again, sweetheart".

A/N: Hello everybody! First, I'm so sorry for taking forever, but I've had to motivation to write or really do anything. I hope everyone is doing well in our current situation and that no matter where you are that you stay inside. Thank you all for your patience and I promise that when I have time between school and work that I will do my best to update more. I'll see you soon lovelies!


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