Chapter 15

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"Good morning idiots!" (y/n) yelled, running up and down the halls, knocking on every members doors. She had woken up early, and decided that the boys could suffer a little bit because of it. The only prize the boys get for waking up this early (6:30) was that (y/n) had made them all breakfast.

"I'm too tired to get mad at you, but later I might hurt you," Jun grumbled as he walked into the kitchen. (Y/n) simply shrugged, knowing he probably wouldn't do anything to her. Even though she was sure of that, she still walked up to him and gave him a quick hug, knowing the boys liked it when she hugged them. She noted the light blush on his face when she pulled away, causing her to smile to herself and watch as the rest of the boys dragged themselves into the kitchen.

"I smell food!" Soonyoung yelled, which made some of the other boys wince at the volume. (Y/n) laughed at them as they all sat down, with Wonwoo and Jeonghan sitting next to her. The boys all thanked her before eating the food in-front of them, slowly beginning to wake up and gain some energy. The boys were quietly talking among themselves, mostly about what they would be doing that day. The only boy that was relatively silent was Minghao. He was talking to Mingyu and Seokmin, but he kept looking over at (y/n) and thinking about what he had done the night before. smiling to himself, he continued his conversation, completely unaware that the girl he was thinking about knew exactly what he had done.

"(Y/n), what are you going to do today, since we're all going to be out on a job?" Vernon asked, drawing the attention of everyone around the table. His question was valid, since the boys had forgotten to let one of them have the day with her, and they all had tasks that were important for this job.

"I could always help with your job you know. And before you say 'no', just remember that Zico brings me with them for jobs sometimes," she replied, leaning slightly on Wonwoo's shoulder as she spoke, causing the boy to look away and try to fight the light redness growing on his cheeks.

"I guess you could come. It's not that bad of a job for her, especially since Zico has probably made her go through worse," Seungcheol stated, some of the boys nodding at his statement even though they weren't one hundred percent certain that it was a good idea. (Y/n) was about to respond when her phone rang. She looked down to see that it was her older brother, so she answered it and held it up to hear ear, Jeonghan and Wonwoo trying not to make it obvious that they were listening.

"Hello darling brother," she said, smiling when she heard the rest of Block B laughing. She could practically feel the eye roll through the phone that her brother sent her.

'Hello to you too, my darling sister. I've just got to let you know that we'll be coming home in around two weeks. The boys have been giving me updates on how you're doing. It's almost annoying at this point!" he shouted that last part, making (y/n) pull the phone away from her ear for a moment so he could stop breaking her eardrum.

"That's not my fault, and you know that," (y/n) said, looking around the table to see the boys either watching her, trying to pretend they aren't listening, or cleaning the dishes. She giggled slightly before focusing back on what her brother was saying.

"Look, I'm only telling you this so that you know, and that maybe you can hang out with the boys more. One on One. Nevermind, I'm not going to pretend that you haven't noticed. They all like you, even Jihoon, which is a first. If you choose one of them, that's fine, because I know that I can't stop you, but promise me you'll be careful. They warned me about Jongin too, so don't worry about me. The boys and I are prepared for anything and you know that," her brother ranted. her eyes just widened slightly at his words. She had noticed the odd behaviour the boys showed towards her, but she didn't realize that all of them might like her in that way. (Y/n) didn't notice, but Wonwoo and Jeonghan had slight pink adorning their cheeks, since they had heard what Zico had said, and they knew he was right.

"Oh. Even if I did I would tell you when you got back. Besides, I might feel that way about one of them, but I'll wait for you to get home before telling them. How's that sound?" she asked, hearing her brother whispering with the rest of his gang members before answering her.

"That's good. I've got to go now though, so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Maybe later tonight if we get back early enough. See you when we get back (n/n)," your brother called, and you heard the rest of Block B yelling goodbye into the phone from wherever they were.

"Bye boys! You better be back on time this time Zico!" (y/n) laughed before hanging up the phone and heading to the living room, since most of the boys had migrated there and were sitting on the couches. She quickly sat down next to Vernon and Seungkwan, laughing lightly when Vernon and Seungkwan tried to put an arm around your shoulder at the same time, resulting in them hitting each other. "Alright, so what job are you boys doing today?"

"Just breaking up another deal. This one is important though, because it's a drug deal between Got7 and Monsta X. They are two powerful gangs, and we already have a deal with Got7. If they go through with this then they've violated our deal," Seungcheol explained. (Y/n) nodded, quickly hushing the boys on either side of her so she could respond to the leader.

"That should be fun! I'm actually friends with Bambam, Jackson and Mark. You might not want to let me go near Yugyeom though, because he can be very flirty," she winked at the boys before excusing herself and going to her room to change into a proper outfit for the job. The boys all looked at each other, waiting for her to leave before Joshua spoke up.

"So I'm guessing we're keeping her away from Yugyeom?" he asked, the other members nodding in response. With that, they all went to their separate rooms to get changed into their outfits for the job, which was going to be very interesting considering this new development on who liked (y/n).

Around fifteen minutes later, the boys and (y/n) were ready to go and watch the deal go down. Before they left, (y/n) quickly pulled Minghao aside, whispering quickly in his ear.

"Next time you kiss someone when you think they're asleep, make sure they're actually asleep," (y/n) whispered, causing a bright blush to spread across the gang members cheeks. He started to stammer out an apology, but she quickly stopped him. "You don't need to apologize, but next time tell me before you do something like that and maybe I'll let it happen."

She left quickly after that, linking arms with Vernon before going to her assigned car. Minghao just gaped at her retreating form before slowly processing what had just happened. He tried not to let the others know about what had just happen, but his smile definitely showed how happy he truly was. After that, the boys all split into three cars, with Jihoon, Jeonghan, Joshua, Seokmin and Seungkwan in the first. The second car was Soonyoung, Jun, Minghao and Chan, and the third car was Seungcheol, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Vernon and (Y/n). They drove off towards the location of the drug deal quickly, with Minghao's car questioning him on why he was so happy, and (y/n)'s car telling her the whole plan, and that she'll either be helping Jihoon with the hacking portion, Soonyoung with sniping, or Seungcheol with hand to hand combat unless things get really out of hand.

A/N: Thank you all so much for waiting for this update you guys! For the next part, would you guys either want the job with Jihoon, Soonyoung, or Seungcheol? Let me know, and thank you all again lovelies!


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