Another Day In Katerina's Life

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"Watch your way !!" she hears someone saying to her while she finds her self on the floor, She didn't even notice how she did fall, she were so into her thoughts, so on tears 

"Excuse me" she said, And she keeps on walking her way to school while that boy is still looking at her, she kept walking with same ideas that she always had

"You Still alive!" "ow i have to live with the truth that im breathing the same air with you another year" "you forgot how to suicide?!" "you lost your way to death?" , what she heard the minute she got to the school, She fakes a smile and mumbles "Katerina, you were stupid anough by thinking that something will change."

she gets her head up, she sees her ex boyfriend with another, with the girl he left her for, with the girl he changed Her with, with the girl that took her place, she sees the bpy she stills in love with in another's love, hands, life, heart, She pretends like she saw nothing, but deep inside it hurts her, it really does, "I'll get over him some day" she whispers to her self. But the truth is that she never eer will, because he was the perfection for her, he was the boy that she never thought he'll get away, the one that she trusted the most, the one that knew that she was broken and the shit she was in but still left her like everybody else did.

She turns around to not see what she did, but she finds her ex bff, the girl that got away from her because of the hard times she got into, instead ofbeing there for her and helping her getting over  it easily, she went away, she gave up on her like she was just a stupid little thing that ment nothing for her, nothing at all.


that's how she felt.

"Katerina,take a breath, Katerina, take a breath" is what she said inside, 

she finished the day hardly, Finally it's going home time, that was like the dream coming true for her, she takes her bag and stand-up to walk through the door, but someone hits her, And yeah that was her ex's new girlfriend ^^, She gets up looking to the floor, because that was the only thing that was the only way to know that she has something under her.

"Im Home" She screams opening her house's door, "Sweety, how was your day?" her mum asks "Perfect, it was perfect" she answes, hiding all she's going through fom her Mum, "sweetheart, go up stairs, change your clothes and come back to eat a little you must be hungry" her mum said "No, thanks mum, i ate pizza out side with my friends" says the little katerina too her mum avoiding anything that has relation with food.

She goes up to her room, threw her bag to the floor,  jumps to her bed, crys the life out of her, she takes the blades our, opens her arms without thinking of anything exept the hate she got, she push the blade more into her arm tell she feels it real deep inside, 

she goes to the bethroom, washes her arms and go back to her bed, were she finds her demons, were they kill her inside while she killed her self outside, she wonders why her? why only her? why it happens to her? what did she do? it wasnt her mistake! she is paying for others' mistakes! she is paying for what others did! she is paying what people she loved did! but that's okey, because she is strong anough to take what they couldn't take, what they couldn't deal with, what the left behind, what they never had anough courage to deal with, to face up, to stand up against, they never had anough courage to get through that dark  side, through that place where they may get killed inside, but she did, she didnt want to, she didnt know how she got into, but she did, that's the only thing she knew, she did.

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