Big Surprise!!

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Hey, all my mindless readers! I got some great news for you all. Love this story? Well, guess what? I'm posting an improved version of this book. The chapter will be longer, and filled with more details . Get reader my "Psycho" fans, because tonight I will be posting "Psycho: The Exclusive Chapters". At 9pm. Also, I will be updating all my other stories, like Pyscho**Reborn, and Pills in A Bottle. But, I need 20+ Votes to update the story Teenagers.

Also, I'm doing a contest . Whoever leaves the best, most heart felt comment about how much you love "Psycho" I will give you the starring role in my new book, "Questions." And a whole series will be made of your book! So go!

All will be happening at 9 tonight!


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