Chapter 1: A Normal Day

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"BEEP,BEEP,BEEP" her alarm went off. It was 5:05 am. This is the third time she snoozed her alarm. Today y/n had school, but she didn't want to go. "What's the point of doing this everyday?" She said in a tired voice. Before she managed to get out of bed, her mom bursted into her room with loud music playing on a bluetooth speaker. "GOOD
MORNING SWEETIE" she yelled while dancing to the beat. She jumped out of the fright her mom gave her. "Are you kidding me? It's 5:10 am! How the hell are you so energetic?!" Y/N exclaimed as loud as she could. She lowered the music's volume. "If you want to know, try being productive for once in your life". Her mom responded. Y/N groan as she took her school uniform and a towel to take a shower.

 Y/N groan as she took her school uniform and a towel to take a shower

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Your school uniform

After she took a shower and got dressed, she went downstairs and served herself some cereal with milk. While she was eating she checked her phone. " Oh shoot!" Y/N immediately started to panic when she saw the time. It was 7:45 am! She quickly finish her breakfast, brushed her teeth, grabbed her backpack, and rushed to school. "I'm going to be so late!" She exclaimed while running as fast as she could to school. She lived near her high school, so she went walking every day. Today was different, she was going to be late!

Y/N finally arrived at school at 8:10 am. She ran to the classroom as fast as she could. "As you can see here the formu-" Y/N interrupted her science teacher as she entered the classroom. "Well, well, well look what we have here!" She exclaimed. "That my students is called being irresponsible." She said as she looked at Y/N followed by all her classmates staring. She just ignored her classmates and went to her seat.

Science class was almost over. She absolutely hated the teacher. She had something against Y/N. Time went by slowly but Y/N knew she could make it.
"Ugh! I can't wait for English class! The teacher is so hot!" Y/N heard a girl say. "Same!" She heard another girl say. "I don't know what they see in him that is so attractive. I wish this day was over already!" Y/N thought to yourself.

English class is her third period, meaning is the last class she has before lunchtime. After science, she had math. Today her math teacher was absent, so she had a free period. She commonly stays at home on Mondays. On free periods, Y/N usually sat down on the benches in the basketball court in school (where everyone would be on recess/lunchtime) to watch YouTube or Netflix.

While she was watching YouTube videos, she looked at the time. It's was 9:56 am. She quickly packed her stuff before heading to English class.

"Good Morning class!" Mr. Gómez said. "Good Morning!" every said, except Y/N. She was too tired to do that. "For today's class we are going to read a book." He said. "Ugh, this day couldn't get any worse." Y/N thought.
Hey everyone! This is the first chapter of this fanfic! I will try to update every Sunday evening (6:00pm/7:00pm). Updates may take a while to do; this means that if  I can't update on a Sunday, I will publish on Monday. Peace and Love for everyone!

The English Teacher ~ Rami Malek x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now