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Lisa woke up with a throbbing head and puffy eyes.

She never felt this outstanding pain. The last one was when she got the news of her parents dies in an accident.

And she hates at how vulnerable she feels right now. She hates being weak since she is an independent girl.

Lisa decided not going to school, hated the idea of meeting the love of her life that dumped her like trash.

However, that only going to show Jennie her weak side. Lisa is not weak, she can withstand this.


At school, she walked down the hallway with a poker face. Sadness nor pain plastered on her face.

Looks like the news of the couple broke up reached everyone's ears.

They gossiped about how this break up going to occur since Jennie was a playgirl.

Lisa felt stupid for not listening to them. It all her fault for trusting the cat-eyed girl.

Then her heart skip a beat, seeing Jennie strolled together with Jongkook towards their class.

Her face was unreadable and blank.

"I heard that Jennie is with Jongkook now"

"Haish that bitch! She wants to be with everyone who is good looking!"

'How can't I realise this?? Of course, she is with him now!'

That some of the whispers Lisa heard, but pay no attention to it and continued her walk as if nothing happens.

As soon as she entered the class, the brunette's eyes encountered with Jennie's.

But only for a while as Jennie quickly averted her eyes away from Lisa.

Lisa's body stiff as she awkwardly sat down beside her ex. The thick air began to suffocate her.

Not only that, the stare that she received from her right was intense, it felt like the intensity dig a hole through her head.

'It gonna be a long day....' She let out a sigh.


Irene, Seulgi, Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Taehyung observed Lisa with sympathy.

"It's okay gonna be okay... I've been there." Taehyung circled his arm around Lisa, stroking her shoulder in a comfortable way.

Like always, Lisa stayed in silence. Eating her lunch while glancing on the new couple from afar.

"What are you doing here?" Seulgi asked Taehyung. He only shrugged with an innocent face.

"What? I'm supporting her. Lisa and I are victims here okay. Both of us got dump by that girl."

Taehyung pointed toward Jennie, whose back facing them. They couldn't see her face, but Jongkook was sitting opposite of Jennie.

Gave Lisa the opportunity to shot the boy a death glare.

Jongkook actually flinched by the glare, so he lowered his head as if he was guilty and ashamed.

Somehow, Lisa just couldn't stand the irritating sight anymore. Yes she was jealous as fuck.

She chewed the food aggressively, then gritted her teeth in dissatisfied.

"Lisa-Lisa! Where are you going!?" Yelled Seulgi in appalled, Lisa abruptly stood up then made her way toward the couple.

All her friends except Taehyung made an effort of holding her back, by together pulled her arms.

However, Lisa was stronger than they thought, probably because of her rage.

'That stealer bastard! Just you wait!'

Lisa stomped toward Jongkook with a fist that ready to punch.

Jongkook's eyes widened in terror, as fast as lightning he stood up and back away from the brunette.

That caught Jennie attention, so she turned around her head only to meet with furious Lisa.

Everyone excitedly circled the table while shouting 'Fight! Fight!'.

"YAH!! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" Lisa grabbed the collar of Jongkook's shirt.

And lifted up her fist, began to lunch her powerful punch on the boy's face.

"Lisa stop! Don't touch him!!" Jennie pushed Lisa away from Jongkook, before she stood in front of him in a protective way.

The pain was the only thing that Lisa could feel at the moment.

She was hurt terribly, not because of getting pushed by Jennie. But the pain of seeing her love defending the guy that took her away from Lisa.

'She really loves him...'

Lisa didn't realise the tears that flowed down on her cheeks.

But she does realise that she indeed looked pathetic at the very moment.

The brunette held her eyes on the floor, trudging toward the couple.

"L-lisa....I'm s-so sor-" Lisa cut Jennie off.

"Don't worry...I'm not going to punch your boyfriend...I'm here only to give him a little talk"

Gently Lisa pushed Jennie to aside, then slowly put her hand upon Jongkook's shoulder.

"D-d-dont hurt h-h-her alright?.." She said between a sob.

"I-if you h-hurt her...i'm gonna p-p-punch you for real n-next time.." She ended her advice with crack voice.

This time her tears dropped down one by one on the white tiles.

Before Jongkook could utter a word, Lisa already walked away from the crowd.


The next day, Lisa didn't attend school. She just couldn't. Of course she is strong, yet Jennie managed to weaken her.

She spent her day staring the ceiling with puffy eyes and a broken heart.

'How can loving someone could be this hurt?'

No matter how hurt she is right now, she still needs to go to work.

At her workplace, Lisa performed her duties as usual.

Without the presence of Jennie.

'Of course she won't be work here anymore...she must be dating with her nice, rich, handsome boyfriend right now'

"Lisayah?" The brunette felt a soft pat on her back.

"Nae halmeonie?" She gazed down on the old lady, who was eyeing Lisa with a puzzled look.

"Is something happening between you and Jennie?" Asked the old lady quietly, concern was obvious in her voice.

It already two days without Jennie's presence in the workplace, that got the old lady curious.

Lisa didn't answer the question at first, because at the thought of it enough to make her cry.

"We...nothing happen between us"

'Yeah, nothing. Nothing really happens between us'

The old lady smiled sadly at Lisa, patting the back of her hand in a comfortable way.

" gonna be alright. My Lisa is strong right?" The old lady playfully squeezed Lisa's bicep, making the younger one giggled heartily.

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