twenty one

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“Jennie yah...” I grabbed my girl's attention from the television, she waited for my next words.

“Wanna go out?”

“Do you mean like a date?” She smiled widely, as if it was the best news she has ever heard.

They didn't go out for a date that much, and Lisa noticed how her girlfriend sought for it.

Jennie always wants to have a romantic day with her girlfriend, but Lisa didn't seem interested in the idea.

She rather stays at home because a date is tiring, boring, and waste of time.

That what Lisa thought, now she planned to have a lovely day with her girlfriend because she was madly in love with Jennie.

She would do anything for her.

“Yeah, it a date. We can go anywhere that you want and whatever you wanna do.” Lisa beamed in delight.

Jennie's smile wider, showing her gummy smile that Lisa loves so much.

“Omo! I can't wait! I'll go get ready now!” Jennie threw her legs off of Lisa's lap and before she gone off the brunette's sight, Jennie pecked Lisa's lips.

Lisa chuckled silently at her girlfriend's eagerness.

She is looking forward to the date, Lisa going to spend it the most with her lover.

The girl sighed in content as she spread her arms behind and rested them on the couch, waiting for her girl.

Then she realised that she needs to get dressed up too.


Lisa wanted to keep her life on average, but for today, she gonna being extra and spoil Jennie.

Yeah she gonna spoil her girlfriend.

Everyone stopped with their jaws touched the pavement. How can an expensive sports car be parked in front of the cheap flat?

‘Whose car is that?’

‘Wow, it so beautiful!’

That was some of the thought in the neighbourhood's mind.

Kids surrounded the white Lamborghini with dreaming eyes, inside the car was Lisa's fatherly figure, waiting patiently for his young lady.

Later, Lisa and Jennie stood before the vehicle, Will Yun Lee immediately climbed out of the car and threw the car key to Lisa.

“Have a fun date Agashi, Ms Kim.” The man bowed down in front of the two girls with a mischievous smirk.

Lisa rolled her eyes knowing that he probably going to make fun of her later.

Jennie bowed down back “Just call me Jennie.” She suggested while pulling off her gummy smile.


Along the way, the cat-eyed girl couldn't restrain herself from eyeing Lisa.

Lisa looked so goddam hot with red flannel, ripped skinny jeans, a pair of black boots, and a brown beanie.

Lisa had that classic boyish style that could make every straight girl turn gay.

“Staring is rude.” The brunette said without leaving her focus on the road.

“I'm not staring, I'm admiring my gorgeous girlfriend.” Jennie retorted back before she turned 90 degrees to the left on her seat.

Taking Lisa's hand and placed it on her lap.

Head Over Heels (Jenlisa) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now