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“WHAT!? NO!!” Lisa powerfully smacked her hands on the desk, created a loud wave in the office.

“It up to you then, if you won't do what I say, then I won't help you. Simple.” The old man shrugged leisurely.

Lisa's grandpa made a deal. The deal is, take over his place in the company as soon as she graduates.

However being involved in the company was the last thing Lisa would do. She just hates it, full stop.

“NO! We talk about this already and we had an agreement!” Lisa slammed the poor desk once again.

The old man sighed in defeat “That agreement was like ten years ago, you didn't even know how to wear your pant properly at that time.”

The brunette folded her arms upon her chest, then huffed in dissatisfied.

“You're so stubborn, why can't you be like your sister?” The elder pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

“Because I'm not her!! Why don't you ask her instead to handle the company huh old man!?” Angrily she rumbled her hands in the air.

“Because you know better about the company and the family blood is not running in her!” His turn to slam the desk.

Lisa shot her grandpa a death glare, before she let out an exaggerated sigh.

“Make sure you catch that stalker bastard” That was the last statement Lisa delivered, before she walked to the door.

The old man smiled in triumph.

“Oooo grandpapi!” Someone harshly opened the door, hit Lisa right in her face with a powerful force.

“Oh God..none of my grandchildren know how to knock a door” The elder mumbled while shaking his head.

“Ooppss! I'm so sorry!!” A red hair girl immediately knelt down beside Lisa, who were groaned in pain.

“Lisa?? Oh my god it you!!” Enthusiastically the girl shook Lisa's shoulder, making the sharp pain in the brunette's head worsen.

“S..s..stop!!” Lisa pushed the girl away from her, then slowly stood up with a throbbing head.

“Lisayah, oh wow look at you! You're taller than me now!” Said the girl eyeing Lisa from toe to head.

Her name is Yeri, Lisa's step-sister. She might be annoying, but Lisa still loves her.

And her sister was another reason why Lisa isolated herself from the family.

“And you are cuter now!” Yeri put her arms around Lisa's neck and pulled her down. Kissed Lisa's face in a various place.

Annoyed, the brunette cupped Yeri's mouth and pushed her away, only to make the red hair girl pouted.

“Baby you don't know how much I miss disappear from my life just like that. Don't do that again, you know that I love you right?”

Yeri pulled Lisa in for a tight hug, almost making the taller one suffocate.

Anyone that looked at them would think that they a cute couple.

But they weren't more than sisters. Yeri was naturally like that with Lisa since they were a little kid.

The old man silently watched the interaction of his grandchildrens, a smile created on his face.


Lisa was cycling her bicycle on the way to school. At the second she entered the gate of the school.

She was shocked at the large crowd circling something or someone.

‘What in the world is happening right now?’

Lisa parked her bicycle, then with high curiosity, she slipped into the crowd, in an attempt to go to the middle.

What she saw widened her eyes, and she gasped loudly.

‘What is she doing here!?!!!’ Lisa spotted the red hair girl leaning against her pink Bugatti Veyron, waving happily to the crowd.

“I can't believe this! She is Kim Yeri! The grandchild of the CEO of the Atlas Holding. The richest man in Korea!”

“Oh my god! She is so beautiful! What is she doing here?? I think she is studying here from now on, because she is wearing our school uniform!”

The group of girl squealed in delight, while there was a group of a boy praised the beauty of the car, also the beauty of the owner.

Lisa literally facepalmed herself. Unfortunately, Yeri spot the brunette and immediately ran toward her.

The brunette tried to escape out of the situation, however it was too late.

“Baby!!” Yeri jumped on Lisa, the loud crowd faded into silence. Everyone was curious about what was happening.

The red hair girl kissed Lisa's cheeks over and over. Began to annoy the brunette.

Every student witnessed the intimate action, including the cat-eyed girl.

‘Who the fuck is she!? Why she calls Lisa baby!?Get the fuck away from Lisa and for the fuck sake stop kissing her!!!’

Thought Jennie in anger and extreme jealousy.  She shot a dead glare on them with grith teeth before stomped away from the crowd.

Irene, Seulgi, Jisoo, Chaeyoung, Taehyung and Jongkook noticed the pain in Jennie's face.

Jongkook quickly followed after Jennie.

“Jennie!” The guy looked after her, then he spotted her sitting against the wall while sobbing in between her knees.

Jongkook watched the girl with sympathy, the girl was weeping almost every day.


“I can't take this anymore!! I miss her and I love her so much! B-but it looks like s-she found someone new...

“....someone w-who is obviously b-better than me..” Jongkook pats the girl's back in a comforting way.

“Lisa, I love you...” Said Jennie almost in a whisper.

Jongkook didn't say anything, he certain any of his comforts would be useless.


“What are you doing here!?!!” Lisa whispered sternly to her sister while leaning against the toilet cubicle.

The red hair girl looked at her confused “Ermm peeing?”

“Haish! Why are you moved to this school!?” Lisa now towering Yeri, folding up her arms upon her chest.

“Grandpapi told me to accompany you here, he knows that you wouldn't agree to move in my school, so I moved here instead!”

Yeri smiled innocently to Lisa.

“And you agreed to that old man, of course.” The taller one shook her head in disbelief, then breathed out in defeat.

“Well, I want to be with you after all” Yeri snuggled her cheek up against Lisa's chest, while wrapping her arms around Lisa's waist.

Out of nowhere, someone opened the toilet entrance door.

And that person gasped loudly, Lisa's eyes widened instantaneously at second she figured out who the person is.

“s-sorry” Without waste a second, Jennie slammed close the door.

Yeri acknowledged who the person is, and her mind began to plot a mischievous plan.

I deeply apologise because the main character like jisoo, chaeyoung, Irene, and Seulgi does not often mention in any of my chapters. I tried to write a specific important character for them, but it just won't fit.

Again, I'm so sorry 🙏🙇🙇

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