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Author:  nehajj1234

Genre:  Short Story/Mystery

Age Category:  All

Jamie:  Sam...SAM...

Unknown:  Jamie, get out of the house now.

Jamie:  No way in hell, I am going to listen to a stranger again.

Whom do you trust, friendship or love?  If you get a text message from an unknown person, will you answer it or not?  If yes, then it might change your life.  What if you get involved in something worse?  Like me.
I still don't know my fault , but I am standing at the edge of death with friends and "who I love."
This game is placed by my friend who is noncore my friend by death.  The game of trust and betrayal begins...
Only if I can save her...

My Review: 3/5
Deception had an amazing plot.  But it was missing all of, what I like to call, the meat of the story.  The backstory.  I feel like Deception should have been written in book form instead of being a text story.  Also, it was hard to get to know some of the characters because of how the book was set up.  Other than that, this book was good.

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