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Author:  Neal Shusterman

Genre: Science Fiction

Summary:  The Thunderhead cannot interfere in the affairs of the Scythedom. All it can do is observe—it does not like what it sees.

A year has passed since Rowan had gone off grid. Since then, he has become an urban legend, a vigilante snuffing out corrupt scythes in a trial by fire. His story is told in whispers across the continent.

As Scythe Anastasia, Citra gleans with compassion and openly challenges the ideals of the "new order." But when her life is threatened and her methods questioned, it becomes clear that not everyone is open to the change.

Will the Thunderhead intervene?

Or will it simply watch as this perfect world begins to unravel?

Age Category:  Young Adult

Chapters Reviewed:  Complete Book

Series: #1: Scythe, #3: The Toll

•Category 1- cover & description•

I really love the cover and the description is good.

•Category 2- word choice, punctuation, grammar, spelling, sentence & paragraph structure•

Of course, since this book is professionally published there are no errors. The word choice is superb.

•Category 3- plot, setting, background/stories, characters•

This novel is so well put together. I love the concept of this immortal age.The characters are super relatable and lovable.

•Category 4- writing styles & pace of the story•

The pace of the story is a little slow and beginning. The writing style is unique and well developed.

•Category 5- details & descriptions•

Extremely detailed. I just wish that there was more details with the descriptions of the characters' appearances.

•Category 6- originality & overall creativity•

Extremely original and creative. This is definitely one of my favorite book series.


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