Chapter One: Top of the Evenin'

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"I am in control," said the green-haired man through gritted teeth as he stared into the camera, with such malevolence in his ocean blue eyes, "I'm tired of playing pretend..." he continued, raising a big butcher knife in front of the camera, "They all follow me."

He let out a bone-chilling chuckle, "Who do you think you've been watching all this time?" He grinned, "My puppets."

"This is MY world!" The man tightly gripped his knife as he extended both arms outward, "And all of these creatures..."

He twitched, inching closer to the camera with his unblinking eyes, "I wonder what will happen to your favorite boy... This isn't the end... This is only the beginning. See you soon."

He stopped when there was only an inch between him and the lens, pausing for a second or two. After that, he slumped back and let out a chuckle that contrasted the sinister one he did earlier.

"Okay!" The Irishman said, , "I think that's good enough for an Antisepticeye clip." He said, brushing his bluish green hair to the side and looking at the monitor next to the camera. It displayed a live feed of him: a green-haired pale Irishman in an all black casual attire standing in front of a wall padded with black foam to soundproof the studio.

"Wow, I did a pretty good job at that wound," Seán looked at the bloody wound on his neck resembling a throat slash, smiling at the work he did.

There was a slight pause, the Irishman was subconsciously staring at the blue flamingo-printed boxer shorts on the floor trying to recall if he had any more video ideas that needed to be filmed.

With no more ideas coming to his green-haired cranium, he laughed and picked up the shorts from the floor.

"Alrighty, that's a wrap for today," Seán said, clapping his hands together as if it was a film clapper board, signifying what would be the end of the shoot.

The YouTuber chortled, excitement brimming in him to see what would the fanbase's reaction to this particular video be once him and Robin had finished editing it.

He looked back on the past few years of being a content creator on YouTube, he was more than grateful that he managed to gain a whopping fifteen million subscribers. Never had he thought he'd achieve something this grand.

In return to the fandom, Seán would take notes from the speculations and theories and somehow incorporate them to his actual videos, as a matter of thanking them for their ever growing support.

He went into his bathroom, cupping his hands under the faucet and letting water fill it to the brim. With a flick of his wrists, his face was drenched. The sensation was both soothing and startling, the feeling of being clean after a whole day of filming but the pang of cold water hitting his face sent shivers down his spine.

Seán stepped out and walked down the hall of his Brighton home, his bare feet thumping on the tiled floor, echoing in the newly painted halls. Even after five months of moving in Seán still had to shop for furniture.

The quietness of atmosphere gave him a sense of calmness, but it also brought in that subconscious feeling of anxiety, that growing feeling of sadness realizing that he was going through a tough time this year - as much as he loved his job of being a content creator inspiring millions of people around the world, he felt his job had gone mundane.

Despite that, he already hardwired his brain to keep his head up, to be positive that these tough times would pass, hoping that much greater things were waiting for him in the end.

Positive Mental Attitude, that's what Seán would say to the community every now and then, little did the fans know that he was also reminding himself to do the same thing.

His phone suddenly buzzed in his pocket, pulling him out from his semi-tranced state. He brought his phone up and read the message. It was from Robin Torkar, his editor and best friend.

"Showtime," He said, sighing in relief, thankful that his other job would distract him from being left alone with his thoughts.

The YouTuber turned around and went to his closet at the other side of the hall, yanking the door open and digging through the piles of clothes on coat hangers.

"There you are, ya fuckin' bugger," He said, his native Irish accent prominent when he spoke that line.

Seán pulled out his navy blue suit, the same exact suit he wore during SXSW 2016, and other events that required him to wear something formal and conceal the childish Irish loudmouth everyone on the Internet knew him for. It was his favorite suit... well, because it's his only suit.

He then spun back around and walked away, one hand holding his attire the other quickly undoing his belt buckle causing his skinny jeans to slide down his thighs fast. Seán first slipped on the flamingo shorts then took the blue slacks from the set. He then draped the rest of the suit on one shoulder freeing both hands.

As he approached the top of the stairs, he stretched the opening of his pants and placed it in front of him. His right foot went in first, going out the bottom and landing a step below. His left foot followed, this time going another step down, finally being able to pull his pants up and buckle them into place.

He continued to go down, now slipping on the plain white business shirt over his black t-shirt and buttoning it shut and completing the set with a black necktie. Next was the blue coat, Seán effortlessly put it on, adjusting the creases on the sleeves before buttoning that one as well.

At the bottom of the stairs were a pair of black leather shoes, purposely placed there for his huge feet to slip into.

Once the YouTuber reached the ground floor, he turned to his left and faced a mirror as tall as him, seeing himself in the suit and ready to go wherever he was heading.

Seán dug in his chest pocket and pulled out a pair of black framed glasses and put it on, a Heads-up display projecting on the bottom left of the left lens.

"Best character introduction EVER," Seán smirked.

He went outside, locking the door behind him. It was already dark outside, around nine in the evening, people were already turning in to their homes for the day while Seán was only beginning his 'day'. He walked confidently to a silver Lamborghini Aventador parked in front of his house, eyes fixated on it, admiring the beauty of the car.

The Irishman took out a key from his pocket and immediately turned left, leaving the luxury car behind and going to the nearby bike stand that had a silver Segway PT chained to it. He unlocked the bike chain and stepped on the mat big enough to carry his feet. He slipped on a white helmet and locked it into place and watched the dashboard on the handle power on and emit a subtle green glow.

"Voice identification please," A woman's voice spoke.


The dashboard illuminated green and Seán's own Septiceye Sam logo displayed on the touchscreen.

"Welcome, Agent JacksepticSPY."


Hello there! Thanks for patiently waiting for the release of this book, it means a lot to me. I do hope you'll stick around for the succeeding chapters and you're not disappointed with the short length of this one.

Chapter Two will be next Friday!


P.S. Happy Birthday to me. lol

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