6: Wrongfully put in prison

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A few days after speaking to the Earth 2 Harrison and learning about Earth 2, Barry and Kara went back to their apartment to be greeted by to CCPD cops.

"Kara Danvers, you are under arrest" one of the cops said as they handcuffed her.
"What did she do?" Barry asked in annoyance.
"Someone said they saw her at a bank when it went bang" the cop said as he and his partner took Kara away.

10 minutes later when Barry speed into the STAR LABS cortex, he had everyone looking at him.

"Where the hell is Harry?" Barry asked in a pissed off tone.
"I'm here Allen, what do you want?" Harry asked back.
"My girlfriend got taken to prison because of someone from your so called Earth" Barry replied as he saw Joe react and Joe went to punch Harry in the face.
"So?" Harry rudely asked.
"Fine, her name is Kara Woodward known on our Earth as Overgirl" Harry replied as Barry was leaving the room.
"Where you off to?" Joe asked catching up to Barry.
"To tell my girlfriend the news" Barry replied.
"I'll drive you" Joe replied.

When Joe and Barry arrive at Iron Heights Prison, Barry went to the visitors centre to see Kara followed out by a cop.

"Hey babe, what you doing here?" Kara asked.
"Harry was right about the Earth 2 thing. The girl that exploded the bank was Kara Woodward known as Overgirl on Earth 2" Barry replied.
"I don't like it here" Kara said.
"I know, the team and I will get Overgirl and bring her here and get you out of prison" Barry replied.
"I love you Barry" Kara said as a cop came over.
"I love you too" Barry replied as he saw Kara getting dragged away by the hair.

Later that night Barry went to the bar with Caitlin and Cisco. It was karaoke night there so Barry put his name down. When Cisco and Caitlin got back to the table, they noticed that Barry wasn't there when there was an announcement over the speakers. Then Barry appeared under the spotlight.

"This song is for my girlfriend Kara Danvers who got wrongfully put in prison for some thing she didn't do. This song is called Running Hime To You. It was written by BAKD" Barry said as the piano started playing.

Can't say how the days will unfold,
Can't change what the future may hold
But, I want you in it
Every hour, every minute
This world can race by far too fast
Hard to see while it's all flying past
But, it's clear now,
When you're standing here now
I am meant to be wherever you are next to me
All I want to do
Is come running home to you
Come running home to you
And all my life I promise to
Keep running home to you
Keep running home
To you
And I could see it
Right from the start
Right from the start
That you would be
Be my light in the dark
Light in the dark
Oh, you gave me no other choice
But to love you
All I want to do
Is come running home to you
Come running home to you
And all my life I promise to
Keep running home to you
Keep running home
Home to you
Can't say how the days will unfold
Can't change what the future may hold
But, I want you in it
Every hour, every minute

When Barry sat down, he got a look from Caitlin and Cisco.

"Dude, we were listening to the song while on our way to pick you up from your place" Cisco said.
"How do you know who wrote the song?" Caitlin asked.
"Because I'm the one that wrote it, did you record it by the way?" Barry asked back.
"Yea we did" Cisco replied.
"Ok then, do a voice comparison" Barry said.
"Ok" Caitlin said as she played the song on her phone and Cisco played the recording.
"Holy crap, that is you" Caitlin said with happiness for Barry.
"Who is it actually dedicated to?" Cisco asked.
"I said it before, it is dedicated for Kara" Barry replied.

After explaining the behind the scenes to the song, Barry went to the bathroom, Barry returned to the table, he noticed that Caitlin and Cisco were on the stage.

After those two sang they went back to notice Barry with his head in his hands.

"Sad Flash, why the face?" Cisco asked in a whisper so no one besides him, Barry and Caitlin could hear.
"I...i...it's just I wish that Kara was here" Barry replied crying.
"I know the feeling" Caitlin replied.

The next day Barry was in his lab at CCPD when Joe came in.

"Barr... we got her" Joe said as he entered.
"Overgirl?, How?" Barry asked.
"Well...yes and Harry shot her with a knockout dart" Joe replied.
"Where is she now?" Barry asked.
"In Iron Heights and Kara is also going to be let out of prison" Joe said as Barry was leaving with a smile on his face.

After Barry got in his car, he sped off to Iron Heights to pick up Kara. When he arrived, he noticed that Kara was behind the gate.

"BARRY!" Kara yelled as she run up to hug him.
"Hey babe" Barry replied as he hugged Kara and then kissed her.
"Let's get the hell out of here" Kara said as Barry opened the car door for her.
"Couldn't agree more" Barry replied as he got in the drivers seat.

When Barry and Kara pulled away from the gate, Barry put Running Home To You through the car's Bluetooth and he sang along.

After the song Kara asked a question.

"Babe, when was the song released? Who sang it? and how do you you know the words? Kara asked as the song finished.
"Well...1) the song was released a few days ago, 2) the artist of this is BAKD and 3) I know all the words because I wrote the song and in bonus the song is for you babe because I love you" Barry replied.
"Thank you for doing that for me Babe" Kara said as she started crying with tears of joy and leaned over to kiss Barry.
"Anything for you babe" Barry replied as he returned the kiss.
"How many hits has it had over the last few days?" Kara asked.
"1 million" Barry replied.
"What does BAKA stand for" Kara asked.
"BA stands for Barry Allen and KD stands for Kara Danvers" Barry replied.
"We gotta start writing songs together then" Kara said.
"Yea I like to do that babe" Barry replied.

When Barry and Kara got to the West household, they opened the door to see a welcome home party for Kara. Everyone was there, even Captain Singh.

"Sorry for wrongfully putting you in prison" Singh said as Kara accepted the apology.

After apologising to Kara, Singh went over to Barry.

"Hey Allen" Singh said as he approached Barry.
"Yes captain?" Barry asked nervously.
"Good job on that song" Singh replied.
"Thank you so much captain" Barry said as he and Singh left to hang with everyone.

That night, Caitlin, Cisco, Iris, Joe, Kara and Barry were at a bar for karaoke night. Joe and Iris put their names down first for a duet followed by Caitlin and Cisco who did a duet then was Barry and Kara.

After they were done signing, everyone went home to their places while Barry and Kara went to STAR LABS to speak to Harry.

"Hey Harry" Barry said as he and Kara walked into the room.
"Hey Allen" Harry replied.
"Who is Zoom?" Kara asked.
"He is a speedster like you Barry" Harry replied.

After talking to Harry, Barry and Kara went back to their apartment and watched the first How to train your dragon movie on Netflix, halfway through the movie Kara fell asleep and Barry not long after. The couple fell asleep on the couch in each other's arms.

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