Chapter Seven

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Bailey gazed out at the small city, the sun was almost completely set, but even with the little amount of daylight that was left the place was still bustling with energy. Men and women went about their business in the small area, which was set up like a market, while small children laughed, playing with each other out in the streets.

In the distance, she guessed no more than mile away, she could see a few enormous statues were being worked on.

Bailey's jaw dropped and she stepped back until she was stopped by one of the pillars. She leaned against it until her legs gave out. Her entire body shook. It shook from disbelief and fear.

Placing her face in her hands she began to silently cry. Everything that she had back home and everything that she had worked so hard for was ripped from her. She never wanted this. She wanted to go home.

That's all she wanted to do.

"How on earth did I get here in the first place?!" She cried out, feeling anger beginning to replace her shock and fear. But she knew that she wasn't going to get that answer anytime soon—if at all.

"The Gods have brought you to us."

Bailey's head snapped to the right, looking up at Bes with red eyes, tears continuing to stream down her face. Quickly, she rubbed at her eyes and face, trying to remove any traces that she had broken down because, all of a sudden, she felt vulnerable and weak and she did not want anyone, least of all Bes, to see her like that.

Clearing her throat, she spoke but her voice was barely above a whisper. "I do not believe in such things. Not anymore."

Bes contemplated his words for a moment. "Do people not believe in the afterlife where you come from?"

"Where I come from its called 'heaven'. And, no, no I don't." She began, "Both of my parents were taken away from me. I may have lost them in different ways, at different times, but they were still taken away from me. Explain to me why, if the Gods love all people then why allow for something like that happen to someone? Why make them suffer in such a way?"

Bes couldn't give an answer. But his silence was enough for Bailey.

"Exactly. And I better not hear that things happen for a reason. I don't believe in that either."

"You don't believe in very much, do you?" Bes asked. She gazed back up at him and saw that he wasn't looking at her, but rather, he was looking out at his Kingdom.

"If it can be explained." She nodded, replying with a shrug. "Then, yes, I believe in it."

"Does that include where you are now?" The Pharaoh asked, finally looking at her. His dark eyes piercing her and, given the tone of his voice, she suddenly felt as though she was being mocked.

She huffed, feeling defensive. "Well, I can't explain it, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know."

"I am most certain that you will." Bes made his way to the door. "Follow, it is time for everyone, except for the servants, to go retire for the evening."

"Now?" Bailey asked with confusion. It didn't even look like it was even eight o'clock yet. "It's still daylight and everyone is going to bed now?"

Bes turned, his form towering over her, and Bailey could practically feel the anger emanating off of him. "Does it inconvenience you, woman?"

"No, just find it weird is all." Bailey snapped. "Also, this 'woman' has a name. Perhaps you should use it sometime."

The Pharaoh smirked, taking a step back. "Ah, and there it is."

A look of confusion crossed Bailey's face. There what was?

"That fighting spirit I saw when we first met." He then began circling her, like an animal would their prey. "Now why were you bawling like a child?"

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