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"Diana honey, wake up! You are going to be late for school today!"
I groan as I wake up with a start from a deep slumber, drenched in sweat. Those images flashed in the middle of my dream for the third time this week.

Bah. At least your nightgown is less wet today, Diana.

Ignoring my extremely annoying inner voice, I pranced up from my bed and jumped into the shower, the warm water calming down my frayed nerves. Drying myself, I changed into my mandatory school uniform, a beige shirt tucked into a deep blue skirt, and put on the stuffy black boots.

Racing down the stairs, I met my foster mother's rather intimidating glare. Following the sight of her stare, I bunched up my wavy-curly long hair into a bun as I sped towards the door.

"Diana Jean Smith, hurry up and get to the bus stop! You do not want to face after-school detention just a day before your birthday!" Maya yelled as I hastily grabbed a freshly baked vanilla cupcake from the tabletop.

"Okay, okay. I'm leaving! See you later, Maya!" I yelled back just as the bus pulled up at the stop.

Taking a seat, I watched Maya's retreating figure as the bus sped ahead.


The day at school was worse than I had anticipated.

My math assignment was incomplete, and I had received a week's worth of homework to compensate for that. If that was not enough, my language teacher decided to check my notebook, and all the poor lady found was doodles, mostly of her face. That had earned me a day in the music room, which was not a pleasant room to be in.

Serves you right, you lazy child. I had warned you about procrastinating and watching Britain's Got Talent when you had homework to do, but who would listen to me?

I inwardly rolled my eyes and made my way to the cafeteria for lunch.

Grabbing a tray filled mostly with fruits, I scanned the lunchroom for a quiet spot to eat when suddenly, I felt everything around me fall in slow motion. The very next second, I felt water on my chest, soaking my shirt.

That was when it hit me.

I had fallen face first on the floor, the fruits awkwardly clung to my hair while water soaked my chest.

Behind me, I heard loud girly laughs.

"So Diana, did you enjoy your little 'trip' to fruity world?" a shrill voice asked me from behind.

"Admit it, Linda. You love me." I replied, smirking.

"How in the world does she assume this? Darling, I am only trying to show you how much better the school would be without you. You are the vermin in our way, and like all others do, I want to throw out the disgusting things that pollute the grounds of St. Augustus." Linda said, a slow smirk spreading out on her face.

I never knew Linda wanted to be the next Regina George. Well, she is playing the part rather nicely.

"Enough Linda, go back to your table." came a voice loud and hoarse from beside me.

Professor Hughes walked in front of me, and faced Linda with a forced smile. She backed away, but not before giving me a glare that could have certainly felled me.

"Diana, please meet me in the library after you are done with your food. I do not like to be kept waiting." he said, and abruptly turned around to leave the cafeteria.

Well, wasn't that awkward.

Although, I wonder what he called me for.

Scarfing my food down as fast as I could, I ran across the rather large school grounds to the library.

The beautiful medieval building had been my sanctuary from Linda and her puppets for almost three years. It was the place where nobody would bother me, nobody would care about who I was.

"Ah, there you are. I was wondering whether my instructions were not clear enough for you." the very same booming voice rang out from a corner.

"I am here, Professor. Is there anything specific you wanted me to do?" I asked, taking a seat on the wooden stool from across him.

"As you are well aware of the fact that your grades in history are rapidly dropping, I have come up with a way for you to earn extra credit for this subject." he said, taking out a book from under a cream cloth.

"And what would I have to do to earn it?" I asked warily.

"Just do some research on this book." he said, handing it to me.

"What is this?"

"This is a relic brought to us by Captain Henry Jones when he returned from his quest for gold off the coasts of Ipswich and Canterbury. He was the very same one who had disappeared for months on an end with no sign of him or his ship. The day he disappeared, no storms or bad weather was reported. Yet, he returned unharmed and perfectly well one night after three months. When he anchored his ship on the docks, he ran straight to the Archbishop, claiming to know something about a place hidden with magic that could help us beyond imagination. When the Archbishop did not believe him, he took out this book and said it was proof. when it was opened, the pages were blank, when according to the captain, they were filled with drawings and descriptions."

Magic. Now I know the professor is just kidding.

"That is quite an hilarious story, professor. Magic?" I said, grinning.

"Yes, magic. I am not joking and nor is this a story, Miss Smith." he said, his voice cold and harsh.

My smile faltered.

"As I was saying, the night the Archbishop banned him from entering church because of these false allegations and lack of proof, the captain drowned himself in alcohol at a bar nearby. The very next day, he as well as the Archbishop were found dead. The authorities have not stated the reason of death to this day. Now, your work is to find out more about this, and take the book with you." he concluded, taking a deep breath.

"Alright professor. I will try my best."

"Go on, Miss Smith. Good day." he said, and exited the library.

I left the library feeling confused and dazed for the first time.


Slamming the door behind me, I jumped onto the sofa. I pulled out the book from inside my satchel to take a good look at it.

Black in colour, the leather book was bordered with single threads of gold, silver, grey, purple and blue intertwined with each other. A large etching of a rose adorned the centre of the book. Fresh rose petals were carefully placed on it with a clear stone I assumed was the moonstone which was nestled comfortably in the middle. It was beautifully decorated, with nine locks keeping the contents shut from everyone. Words in a language I had never seen was artfully written at the bottom, in what I believed was pure gold, or else google was wrong.

Google, you better be right, or else Professor Hughes would have my head on a pike tomorrow.

Seeing that there was no way I could open the book and that I had read everything possibly written about this, I curled up on the sofa and drifted away, hoping dearly that those images would not come to haunt my dreams again.


Hiya, everyone!

I'm Anoushka Iyer, and this is my first attempt at writing a book on Wattpad, so please go easy on me!

This is the first book in a duology, and I'm hoping you like this chapter!

If you did, please press the star icon, and any constructive comments will be greatly appreciated by me.

You can also follow me, and please please please, don't forget to spread the word about this book if you liked it!

Yours truly,

Anu :)

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