What bout me?

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Littles: Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung

"Aww our Minnie is so cute." Yoongi cooed. "Daddy! Iwm nowt cuwte, wook awt Tae!" Jimin responded. "Ya. I'm cute. Iwm a ladybug!" Taehyung said, agreeing with Jimin.

"That's right

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"That's right. My TaeTae is adorable" Jin spoke up. "Hey have any of you guys seen my Hobi?" Jungkook asked, noticing the missing sounds of laughter and the bright smiles of the sun. "I right hewe daddy." Hobi said. He was playing with some big Lego Duplo blocks. "Ooo! Lemme play" Taehyung shouted, running over to the giant blocks. He tripped and fell on a lego, but just got right back up. "Oh, Tae Tae, are you okay? Hobi be more careful and pick your toys up." Namjoon said, now carrying the alien boy.

"Hey daddy?" "Yes Jimin?" Yoongi responded. "I wuv chu" A chorus of awws erupted out of the caregivers. "And I love you more little Min Min." Jimin blushed and started to stand, but fell back onto his diaper-covered bottom. A smol giggle was let out by Jimin, as he tried again. "Look at those two cuties" Junglebook commented.

'Am I not cute? Hmm. Wat if I try?' These thoughts crept into the (unnoticed) little's mind as he was finishing up building his tall castle. And so, he stood up and walked toward the small group of boys. "Tae watch out!" A voice cried, just as Tae ran face first into Hobi, both of them colliding heads. Gasps were let out from each caregiver. Both boys paused and stared at each other. "M sowwy" The two said at the same time. "Mai fauwlt" They said again. Tae and Hobi stopped talking to stare each other in the eye. "Don't cowpy mwe" "Stop!" "No you stop!" "Eomma!" The boys called out in desperation.

Taehyung started to cry. "Oh no, what's wrong child?" Jin asked, picking up the younger boy and comforting him. Hobi left the room. He went to the kitchen and started to shed silent tears. Anger consumed him, a flame igniting on the inside, but it soon subsided, for he was plotting a scheme for someone, no, ANYONE to think about him, or just notice him for once.

He first tipped over the cereal that was on the counter, then left the milk out. He got out some markers and started to scribble on the wall and fridge. 'Ehe. Baby got smawt. Dawdy won't be mawd, wight?' The 3 year old little thought. He proceeded to walk into the living room and hit Tae. "Hobi, what are you doing? Why did you just hit Tae?" Junglook asked. Hoseok knew he messed up.

"What were daddy's 3 main rules Hobi?" Jungkook asked the little, making sure he didn't forget the rules.
"1. Aways tewll dawdy if somwfings wrong." Hobi started. "Keep going"
"2. Nevew cuwrse" "And lastly?" "No viowence or self hawm."

"So you know what that means, right Hobi?" Jungkook asked. Hobi started to tear up, but slowly nodded his head. He said a quiet sorry to Tae and was led to one of the separate rooms. "Now, can you count to ten baby?" Jungkook asked. Hobi's punishment for not following the top 3 rules was getting spanked. The little wasn't very excited when writing these rules, but made Jungkook a promise to never break them.

'I- I bwoke dawdys rules...' The heartbroken little thought as he was placed over Jungkooks knee. "One." And so it began. "Twoo" "Fwee" Tears started to fall to the ground. "Fouwr" "Fiwve" 'Hobi, chu cawn dwo thwis.' "Six" "Sweven" "Ah! Bwoccoli!" "Eiwght" And Hoseok was balling his eyes out.

Jungkook stopped and looked at the distressed little. 'Broccoli?' And then it clicked. Since Hoseok has never acted out before now, he never had to make a safe word. It was something he hated. Broccoli. "Hobi I'm so sorry" Desperation in his voice. 'I could've hurt him badly... I'm so sorry my bun bun' JK thought and he engulfed the smaller boy in a hug. He kissed his forehead before saying, "I'm never gonna let you get hurt, okay? I love you so so so much. But... Do you wanna tell daddy why you hit Tae Tae?" Jungkook whispered. "Becwause no one wan pay tention to Hobi so Hobi wantted to bwe smawt and make dawdy noice mwe. Evewyone stawre at Chim nd TaeTae since dey youngewr den mwe and pwettier. Hobi wan love too~" Hoseok explanationed.

Junglook let out a smol "Oh." Before planting a large amount of kisses all over Hobi's face. The little erupted in a fit of giggles. "How about we go play all together? Does that sound fun?" International Playboi asked. "Yaaas!"

Once back to the people, he let Hobi down to play with the other two boys, Jungkool going to the other caregivers. He explained the situation to them and they compromised to give all littles the same amount to of love and attention. 💜

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💜 < \
Thanks for reading in general and voting and I hope y'all are more active in the comments, giving criticism or tips on how I can write better even! (859 words)

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