Chapter 1

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"Tiny come on your gonna make me late for work and its only my first day." I groaned. Pulling into the parking lot of 'Pro's' hair salon/ barber shop.

"Ok bye bye have fun love you." she said making kissy noises on the phone before hanging up.

I got out my all black BMW and made my way to the shop. Lana the manager was talking to a couple of hair stylist when I walked in.

"Kool they're in the back, Hey Britt on time I like that. So you will be sitting right here. The appointment book is right here. When you answer the phone just say:

Hello Pro's Industry would you like to make an appointment with us today? See easy have a seat." she requested showing me my station.

I sat down and as soon as I did the phone rung.

Hello Pro's Industry would you like to make an appointment with us today?

Oh um no I already have one I was just calling to confirm it. Keisha 6:00 p.m. for Heather.

I looked through the appointment book until I came across her name.

Yes but um the appointment was moved to 5:00 p.m. can you do that?

Yes thank you Bye.

Your welcome.

I said before hanging up the phone. The whole day went by in a breeze just like this. It was going on 8:00 p.m. and this placed was packed.

I was supposed to take my lunch break three hours ago. But I just decided to order some hot wings from pizza hut.

"Lana who told you to hire a baby to handle the phones? My neice could have did it for free." Heather said glancing my way as she curled her fifth client of the day hair.

"Because the owner said he wanted someone with a pretyy face. And I'm not sure what the fuck yo neice got going on with hers but it's not attractive." Lana said shaking her head. Making everbody in the shop laugh even the guys.

"Im glad you hired her Lana cause her body on point." Phill said. He was basically like the manager on the barber shops side but both sides share the book so they share me.

"Yo ass gone go to to jail messing around with little ass girls. You old enough to be her daddy." Heather said laughing along with some of the other women in the room. I even laughed.

The door opened and my food was handed to me since I payed with my credit card.

"No he old enough to be my grand dad. My dad is 31." I said still laughing.

"And what do yo dad look like?" Heather said starring at me.

"Like Black from Chi-Town." Shadow said walking in and I mugged him up and down.

"Aww hell nawl Lana you done hired the devils daughter." Heather said pretending to fall out while everybody in the room starred me down.

"Shadow thats not funny." Lana said looking at him all signs of humor gone.

"Do it look like im laughing?" Shadow said reaching for one of my wings and I slapped the fuck out of him. Everybody 'oohed' and some of the men even rubbed they cheek like I had slapped them.

"Dont touch my shit Shadow. You aint pay for it so dont touch it." I said reaching for wing only to get muffed.

"Look Britt we just talked about you putting you hands on me I hit back. So if you cant take a hit dont dash one out." he said snatching the wing I had dropped when he muffed me.

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