Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

So I've been in Cali maybe a month or two. It's been straight I've been working as a receptionist at an Auto shop and started attending my classes online. I haven't talked to anyone back home and it's starting to get to me. I miss Tiny and Cherry but I really miss my little bro and little cousin.

Clearing my head of them I got back to work. Im trying to start over but no matter where I go I'm always surrounded by drug dealers. I guess the owner of this shop who never comes around is some big time Kingpin. I've never seen him but I guess he's some big sexy mixed looking God.

Speaking of big and sexy Shadow keeps sending me messages on Instagram threatening me talking about 'if I don't come back now he coming to find me and beat my ass.'
Then get mad when I leave his ass on seen.

"Hey Brittany you can gone head and go, the big boss about to come and he wants the shop closed early." Nakita said before walking in the back.

Nakita was the very first friend I made when I got here she even got me this job and last week she helped me get a loft.

Grabbing my stuff and making sure everything was locked up I went home.

When I got home I was barely out my skirt before my phone dinged.

'You better answer this fucking call!' I smacked my lips Shadow had sent this message over FB and as soon as I read it he was calling.

And just to irratate his yellow ass I pressed decline and finished stripping before I laid down. By the time my ass touched the sheets he was calling again.

"Oh my fucking goodness what do you want man?"

"Answer the fucking video Britt before I break yo fucking neck!" Sighing I accepted the video call after making sure my goodies were covered.

"I don't know what the fuck you hiding for like I ain't already seen the shit." Shadow was looking very daddy-ish right now but how he be talking to me.

"Just because you have seen doesn't mean you will be seeing anytime soon, punk ass." Shadow rubbed his chin before tilting his head up as if it would give him a better view of my goodies.

"Boy what the fuck is you doing?"

"I'm trying to see with yo stingy ass my dick been hurting since I met yo ugly ass, the least you could do is show me something."

"Boy the least I could do? No the least you could do is get yo punk ass off my phone." I watched as Shadow took off his wife-beater and got into bed.

"Baby please I'm hurting. Look at this!" Before I could even say anything Shadow had flipped the camera so that it was on his dick while he was stroking it.

"Boy I know damn well you did not call me so we could have phone sex!"

"Yes I did whether you like it or not you still my girl. Now I'm trying to be nice cause I already know where the fuck you are! I'm trying to be nice and  give yo ugly ass some space to calm down but you played this game while you was here teasing me and shit and I'm tired of it my dick hurt and I need some type of releas- know what nevermind."

This nigga got up out of bed and started putting clothes on making me sit up scared. "Shadow what is you doing?"

"About to come get my dick wet the fuck you think I'm about to do? And don't let yo monkey ass not be home when I get there I'm coming straight up to yo job shutting shit all the way down."

"Shadow you can't do that!"

"Britt get the fuck off my phone you heard what I said!"

"I gotta work tomorrow!" Shadow stopped moving and gave me that bitch do I look like I care face.

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