Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After me and Shadow finished I made him leave soon after.I'm not slow I know my dad more then likely persuaded Shadow into coming over. Never the less what he said I knew he wouldn't just let me go like that.

Seeing as I never got my check yesterday it seemed that I would be returning to Pro's against Danna wishes.

Seeing that I had nothing better to do I started getting dress since I had just previously taken a shower soon after Shadow's departure .

As I'm pulling on my clothes my phone goes off not really caring to look at the caller I.D.  I just answer.


"Brittany... can you please come to the shop please?"  My hands slowed down hearing little sniffles on the other end of the phone.

"Tina what's wrong? What happened?"

"Danna and Shadow are arguing and its getting uglier by the minute I'm scared he's gonna hur- (gun shot)"

Tina gasps and then all I hear is the dial tone.

My hands are shaking and I drop the phone I run over to keys and shoot out the door. As im pulling up to Pro's I hear a lot of screaming.

As I walk in im confused at the scene thats going on. James is holding his side as blood ooozes through his hands.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

Danna standing off to the side by Tina and Lana while Shadow is on the floor in front of James with a gun in his hand.

Shadow stand up acknowledging my presence.

"First tell that crazy ass bitch you dont want her. Secon-" he started.

"No im not telling her anything like that tell me why the hell Tinna called me crying over you and Danna arguing but James is the one wounded are you serious?"

"I aint telling you shit till you get that crazy ass bitch out of our lives now!"
I jumped as he screamed in my face.


"No? Is that what you just said no?"

"No damn it im happy with or without you Im not gonna say I love Danna but I have strong feelings for her and until I figure it out she isn't going anywhere!"

"Girl I will fucking kill you." He said grabbing my face.

"Kill me then I dont give a fuck I gotta die eventually." I replied snatching my face out of his tight grip.

"Tina what happened?" I said walking over to her.

"I told James I was pregnant and he said 'so what you telling me for?' And I was like because you the dad.

Then Shadow heard me and he was pissed next thing you know Danna in here yelling talking about she know Shadow came to yo house last night and all this other stuff.

Then James started talking stuff about how the baby not his and hiw im a hoe and all this other stuff Shadow got irritated and pulled out his gun.

Shot off a warning shot then James opened his mouth after that and Shadow shot him in the shoulder.

Now he wont let anybody leave and I called your dad so he's on his way too."She said all this shit in one breathe and I was actually amazed.

I shook my head and looked at Danna "How did you know he was at my house this morning?"

"Im crazy as fuck your mines I know everything about you. But I left my ear ring on your dresser with my tablet for work and I was coming back to get it but then I saw this nigga walking out yo building."

"So I'm grown as fuck I can do what I want if I wanna fuck you then fuck him then I can what you and him need to understand is that y'all need to worry about y'all self. For real for real!" I snapped irritated.

"Bitch watch yo mouth I own you and that includes that pussy so if I say you cant fuck with her then you cant fuck with her." Shadow said getting back in my face.

"Shadow fuck you! You know what I aint got time for this shit im leaving before my dad  gets here. Leave me alone dont call me dont come visit not shit Lana you can mail me my check fuck this shit." I stormed out as soon as I pull off I see my dad car pull up.

Later That Night

Irritated I decided to lay down in bed and watch True Blood and eat some ice cream.

As soon as it get on a freaky part somebody knock on the door. Sighing I pause the show and go open the door.

"What Danna I didnt wanna be bothered with yo ass either." I said going back to press play.

"I know Britt im sorry babe. Do you forgive me?" She asked sitting next to me trying to kiss on me.

"You sorry for what?" I asked slightly moaning as she hit my sweet spot.

"Im sorry for acting crazy." I didnt say anything else but I did let her take my tank top and shorts off.

She gently dropped kisses on my breast but then I pulled her head back by her hair making her kiss me then I forced her head in between my thighs.

Her long moist tongue flicked my clit and I forced her head deeper in my pussy as I grinded it into her face moan after moan left my mouth as she plunged her tongue deep in my pussy I couldn't take no more.

"Lay down." I said to her climbing on her face. Her tongue went straight in my pussy as I continued rocking on her face.

Her tongue flicked my clit as her hands played with my tits my thighs were shaking as I squirted in her mouth and watch her swallow all of my cum before letting her up so she could kids me.

"I'm promise baby I'll be good." She said kissing me again.

"You better be."

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