Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Flash Back

*First Time Shadow & Britt Met*

"So you hungry?" He asked me. I was already irritated with my dad and my uncle 8.

"No we're fine." I said looking down at the kids.

"B we're twired." Mari-Yae said rubbing her eyes. I looked over to Malcolm to see him doing the same thing.

I looked over at Shadow and her got up from the island. "Follow me."

I grabbed both of there hands and led them in the direction Shadow was heading.

We got upstairs and Shadow led us to what looked like a guest bedroom. I walked and place Mari and Malcolm in the bed the k.o.'ed the moment their heads hit the pillows.

I turned around to see Shadow still in here. "You can leave now." I said with an atitude.

"Come here shawty."

"My name aint shawty and I damn sure aint going no where near you." I said rolling my eyes hard.

"Didn't yo dad just tell you to watch how you talk to me?" He said walking up behind me.

"Ask me if I care?"

"Come on Brittany I just wanna talk." He pleaded I sighed and turned around to see Shadow a few feet away from me. I walkes up to him and followed him out the room.

"So Britt you got a man?" He asked once we entered a huge ass bedroom.

"I like girls." I said simply.

"Quit playing ma." He said sitting up from the bed.

"I'm not they give better head." I said looking him straight in the face.

Over the time that we have been moving around I started experimenting. One thing led another and me and my best friend soon became fuck buddies.

"Nawl ma maybe you just aint met that nigga that can have you shaking." He responded.

"And I guess I'll never meet him cause bitch ass wanna be niggas like you always breathing down my damn neck." I responded non chalantly.

"Excuse you bitch?" Next thing I know Shadow is off the bed and in my face.

"What did you call me?" I asked him looking upside his head.

"I said 'Excuse you bitch'" he put and emphasis on bitch. On reflex my hand shot out and smack the fuck out of him.

He looked suprised by my reaction but that didnt last long bedore he punched the shit out of me. I didnt even see his fist coming. The sad part though is that his fist had so much force that he put me on my ass.

I immediately started crying. Shadow sighed and ran his large hands over his face. He walked over to me and picked me up by my waist on on instinct my legs wrapped around his waist.

The moment my head hit the pillow I was out cold.


'Ungh' I moaned.

I had a dream I was getting the best head I've ever had. I woke up moaning but when I looked in between my legs I saw Shadow dreads deep in my pussy.

My moans got louder and louder if this was his way of apologizing I ooh sweet lord.

End Of Flash Back

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